toilet training, house training puppies

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Thursday, October 20, 2005

119. Golden Retriever pup and an older Spitz in a townhouse

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

New puppy but big breed. The Golden Retriever is now 6 months old. He barks to let the owner know that the soiled newspapers must be changed. If not, he pees outside the papers. He drinks a lot, from a water bottle attached to a fence. This fence is part of a playpen and is slid in and out, behind the fridge, to barricade the entrance to the kitchen. Poops 4 x times a day. Fed 3 X/day including snacks and lamb bones. "Looks skinny to me," I commented.

However, the Golden Retriever can leap out of the fence now. "Once he ate all the breakfast food," the husband said. A busy working couple. The Golden Retriever is put inside the kitchen as and if he still pees on a spot in the living area and on the rug. Needs monitoring when left in the living area. I advised neutralising the urine smell of living area and rugs, with vinegar:water 1:3 and let me know. Time-pressed couple.

No time to train him. Now it is harder to train him? The 1.5-year old male Spitz was paper-trained in 7 days as she was trained full-time. Goes to drier patch if newspaper is soiled. 2 pieces of the Straits Times paper. He goes to the grass in the morning and evening. This Spitz can control his bladder and bowels when kept inside the apartment.

The Golden Retriever is still a puppy. Will need further housetraining.

He has elbow sores because he crawls on his elbows, like a commando. Needs to pay close attention as elbow sores are itchy. Licks a lot to balding or dark brown elbows. Advised owner to keep elbows clean, dry and not itchy. Easier said than done. Elbow sores seem to be common in apartment or indoor-kept bigger breeds in Singapore if busy owners have no time to groom the bigger breeds.

In this case, the younger dog did not learn toilet training from the older dog. One reason being that the urine smell in the living area and rug has not been effectively neutralised. Otherwise he can be left in the living area and kitchen area when home alone. Food stealing is common amongst puppies.

It is hard to train them not to steal food unless one has lots of time to do so.


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