toilet training, house training puppies

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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

154. Platform training the puppy in 3 weeks

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Case study - 3 weeks success.
Platform+crate+fencing toilet training

June 19, 2005 was father's day and a Sunday. "Batman Begins", a digital movie shown at Cineleisure in downtown Orchard Road began at 5.30 p.m. The last appointment came in at 4 p.m and there was time to continue my research on toilet training the puppies in Singapore. Talking to puppy owners requires much time and all of them are happy to share their training secrets. The problem is the documentation and distribution of the secrets for first-time puppy owners. Below is the method adopted.

I asked the young couple with 2 Miniature Schnauzers how they toilet-trained two puppies in their apartments. One was a 4-month-old white Schnauzer. The other was an older black and silver. I was surprised at their method used. This is an ideal method.

1. House the 2 puppies inside a big crate. The crate is enclosed in a fenced up area using 6 pieces of fences.
2. Put beds in the crate. The 2 puppies are separated by a partition.
3. The puppies don't dirty their crates. They jump out to the confined area to eat and drink and pass urine and stools.
3. Put a platform (wire flooring above a pee tray) at one corner of the fenced area.
4. The older puppy is used to passing urine on the platform. The urine flows down to the pee tray below. Newspapers are placed on top of the pee tray. Stools are removed from the flooring.
5. "Wee wee," commands are given for the younger puppy followed by treats if it complies.
6. The younger puppy took around 3 weeks to successfully use the platform. It adopts the example set by the older puppy.

This method needs a larger space and most apartment owners will not have the space. The above-mentioned owners have a spare store room (utility room) and are happy with the results.

The 6 pieces of fences are open by forming a hexagonal layout with an opening so that the puppies can access the platform.

The method can be applied for one puppy as well. It costs more and needs more space.


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