toilet training, house training puppies

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Friday, December 23, 2005

218. Consistency in training is a success factor for this Shih Tzu

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Consistency is important in toilet-training. The Shih Tzu was toilet-trained to go outdoors using a fixed feeding and exercise schedule.

He has an extra outing at 12 midnight if the lady owner came back from shift work. Why? "The puppy is excited, "the slim lady owner said to me.

Now, though there is a piece newspaper in the bedroom, the puppy never soiled himself or used the papers.

Use the top sheet of soiled but dried newspaper on top of replacement papers will ensure that the puppy still has the urine smell, during paper training. The commercial puppy training spray was used earlier and found to be effective too.

Mopping the floor. The puppy still went to pee on the floor areas. That was the early stage. Now, the puppy kept the whole apartment clean. First week was messy. Needed to watch for signs of turning, squatting and sniffing. Say "No," and quickly carry the puppy to the newspapers.

It was good to meet an owner happy with her puppy.


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