toilet training, house training puppies

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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

93. Pee platform and pee tray for the Singapore puppy

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

In Singapore, some puppy owners use the pee platform and pee tray to housetrain the new puppy. This can be effective as the puppy has had been used to this setup when crated at the breeder or pet shop. Not all pet shop operators recommend this configuration. Much depends on the willingness of the puppy buyer to pay. Usually 4 pieces of fences to form a playpen are recommended. This may be inexpensive but may not suit every puppy buyer.

Confine the puppy in a small area using barricades or fences. Put on the pee platform. Give command like "pee here." Reward the puppy with lots of praises or treats. If the puppy is free to roam the whole apartment, it may not have time or incentive to use this pee platform.

The puppy keeps cleaner than using newspapers. The floor tiles are also not soiled. There is no paper shredding. The platform must be big enough so that the puppy has a clean area to lie on. In addition, it should be cleaned often.

Later on, in paper-training, the 2nd piece of the soiled newspapers can be put on the floor e.g. the kitchen and the puppy encouraged to pee on the newspapers. The urine smell may or may not attract it to be paper-trained. Much depends on the time spent by the owner in house-training.

If no paper training is done, the puppy just use the platform. When the floor rusts, get a new one. The pee tray catches the urine. Less urine smells in the apartment or room.

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