toilet training, house training puppies

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Monday, October 31, 2005

127. Day 1, the younger Shih Tzu poops on newspaers

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

On first day of purchase, the Shih Tzu poops on the newspapers. Now, 2 weeks with the owner, she still goes to the papers. Poops 2-3 X/day. Fed 2X/day. Take away feed bowl after 10 minutes. Ate all food. Water bottle provides water. Watched for signs of circling and sniffing, opened bedroom door (if puppy inside). She would rush to the newspapers in the kitchen.

Now, the puppy pees on newspapers 80% but elsewhere and on kitchen floor 20% of the time. What to do?

Older Shih Tzu paper trained. The 4 panels of fences of the playpen are kept when the owner is at home. So the older Shih Tzu is paper-trained on newspapers. The younger one learns from the older dog in this case, to use newspapers.

Restricted confinement in the kitchen is a key to success. But the owners need to neutralise the ammonia smell of urine on the floor tiles or parquet floors as puppies are attracted by scent to pee on the same areas.

Using Dettol disinfectant as floor cleaner. This is common in Singapore as there is brand awareness and marketing. Is it effective in neutralising dog urine odour? Needs to check whether it neutralises ammonia. Feedback from readers to will be most appreciated.


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