toilet training, house training puppies

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Sunday, March 12, 2006

278. Likes to poop in living area at 7 a.m

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Sunday. Back from Taipei yesterday.

A young couple in their twenties brought their miniature schnauzer, male, 17 weeks old but look like 8 weeks old, for vaccination. "We pay the $15 more for the 9-in-one vaccine," the couple said.

I asked about toilet training. The man said, "Maybe the puppy is still young. He likes to poop in the living area, as many as 4x/day."

Playpen + aluminium tray. 7 am, take puppy out. Let him have the run of the apartment while soiled papers are being changed. So, the puppy pooped anywhere.

Feeding - free feeding till finished bowl. Owner goes to work at 8 am, so cannot wait for puppy to finish eating. However, the bowl is empty when they come back.

Been with owner for 2 weeks.


Confine the puppy in the bathroom (with newspapers on the floor) while changing the soiled playpen. Put in the kitchen. Easier to clean tiles.

"Floor cleaners disinfectants used," the young man said. "But the puppy will pee elsewhere">


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