toilet training, house training puppies

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

298. Tether and outdoor toilet training for a Corgi

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

How does one busy working couple toilet train their Corgi,Ruby?

Corgi, Female, 4.5 months old

A fixed schedule is important.

1. Grass 2x/day, 2.30 pm and 10 pm
2. Kitchen, leashed to corner. HDB has toilet near kitchen. So, put newspapers (lots of papers) outside entrance to the toilet. Near the washing machine area of the kitchen, pee tray with newspapers.

2.1 Tether (tie) puppy near the toilet area. Preventing indiscriminate elimination.
2.2 So, puppy sleeps on clean tiled area but goes to pee on newspapers outside the toilet door or on pee tray.

COMPLAINT: Sometimes, the puppy pees outside the pee tray. Very smelly urine.
ANSWER: The newspapers are soiled. So, the puppy would not want to step on the papers to pee. So, she pees outside the pee tray. This is a common observation by puppy owners. The answer is to change papers more often, but working couples may not have the time to do that.

Successful toilet-training. Yes. Tether method and going to grass twice a day give a fixed schedule to the puppy.

Poops 1-2 x per day, after breakfast and going downstairs. That is good.
Newspapers changed every night or if there has been too much urine.

SUGGESTION: May need to neutralise the floor area near the pee tray with vinegar:water 1:2 to remove smell of urine.


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