toilet training, house training puppies

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

411. Toilet spots, common mistakes, success factors

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Oct 2, 2006 NLB Victoria Street 5.28 pm


1. History.
If he was reared in a clean environment, he would prefer to eliminate away from food, water and bed. Instinct tells the puppy to eliminate far away from the eating, drinking and sleeping area. Breeders who clean up frequently or change soiled newspapers.

2. Smell.
2.1 Urine and poop smell.

Soft areas like carpet - once smelled of urine - dog's nose is very sensitive and can detect urine.

Corners of rooms - wall have urine smell. Behind doors. So used to eliminate there. Neutralise urine smell.

Smell of poop may mean that the dog does not poop on non-pooping smell area.
2.2 Urine spray (commercial). Too pungent for some dogs.

3. Surface when growing up.
In Singapore, almost all pups - wire crate floor in pet shops and breeding kennels.
So, a pee pan with wired top flooring is ideal and acceptable, esp for bigger breeds.

But very few owners are aware of this. Playpens are most commonly recommended. Newspapers get shredded. Puppies cannot understand why they get shouted at.

In the home, apartment usually ceramic or marble tiled floors and/or newspapers for most puppies. So, something new surface to be getting used to.

4. Urine marking behaviour usually but not exclusively in entire male dogs. Small amount of urine peed on a surface like chair, sofa, curtain, bed. Not a toilet training problem. Needs separate solution. Mistaken for signs of regression by some owners.
Very angry family members.

5. Avoiding punishment. So pees when the owner is not around. Behind sofas, under the bed and elsewhere.


1. Not confined to a small area. Pee and poop anywhere, esp. small breed.
2. Owner does not train the puppy. Confine to playpen and newspapers or crate. No treats and praises. Just scolding after the accidents.
3. Negative reinforcement. Shouting,spanking after accidents or during elimination.
4. Working couples work 12-hour days. No time. Take 1 week leave to toilet. Success rate very high. But must know how to toilet train too.

1. Confine. Unless you can supervise puppy. Prevent mistakes. Time soilet stops. Reward and praises.

Short periods like one hour. Take to toilet area.
1.1 Tied to your waist/leg of table by a leash.
1.2 Crated( room, balcony etc).
1.3 If crated >2hours, water bowl. Go to grass or newspapers. Backyard patio or lawn.

2. Take party to toilet after every play, sleep, meal or drink. Average every hour.
Say "pee pee".
When the puppy squats and eliminates, treat and praise. Release word "Good boy". Use clicker and treat?

3. Repeat many times. This means you are preventing mistakes or accidents.


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