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Thursday, September 01, 2005

26. The Beagle could not be paper-trained?

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

I remember this 6-month-old male Beagle very well because he had a rare colour, a lemon colour and most important, he passed intestinal gas during consultation. Today, he had no more flatulence but had some skin rashes.

"Has he been paper-trained?" I asked. It would be difficult to paper-train a puppy if it has medical problems like passing gas.

"He has skin rashes. This is the 3rd time in 3 months he sees the vet," the young man said. "He has recovered from his farting. I gave him various supplements recommended by the pet shop." Skin rashes are one of the commonest problems in puppies. The causes are varied.


1. Outdoors. After eating at 10 a.m and 7 p.m usually, he would be brought downstairs to the grass area. However, the times are NOT fixed as the owner may over sleep. So, the Beagle has to pee in the wire crate.

2. Passes motion three times at night. This might indicate that he had a gut problem, not being able to control his motion or that he had not been given a fixed schedule to pass motion during the day.

3. Always crated if the owner is not at home. Nobody at home to toilet-train him.

4. If the owner is at home, the Beagle is leashed so that he would not pee all over the whole apartment.


If the Beagle is not paper-trained by 6 months of age, the male hormones of adolescence will make the Beagle rebellious and difficult to train. Was he incorrigible?

I came to the conclusion that the Beagle did not have a fixed schedule to go to the toilet and the owner agreed. But what is the solution now? I promised to e-mail him after thinking about the situation.

The recommendation will be crate training. In crate training, the Beagle is confined in a crate just sufficient for him to lie down and stand. At 6 months, he should be able to control his bowels and bladder for 5 hours.

At the beginning, the owner has to take him out every 3 hour to a restricted area e.g. toilet or outdoors. Command him to "pee here." Praise or reward if he does what is required.

Increase to 4 hours and then 5 hours. However, there must be a time-table with regular taking out of the Beagle. The owner must take leave. Members of the family may be encouraged to help.

The floor tiles are neutralised with vinegar:water 1:2 so that there will be no urine smell to attract the Beagle to the area.

Readers with any suggestions, please e-mail Thanks.

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