toilet training, house training puppies

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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

239. Stale canned food causing diarrhoea? Roundworms in Yorkshire Terrier

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

"Have you dewormed your puppy?" I asked. Loose stools and some blood were seen for the past 4 days after purchase. During the first 4 days, the stools were well formed.

"I think the diarrhoea is due to my husband feeding him some stale canned food."

"How do you know it is stale?" I asked her.

"The colour is different," she said. Food poisoning, licking the surroundings, change of feed formula, viruses, bacteria, and stress could be causing this diarrhoea, other than worms.

On day 10, 2 roundworms were passed out. So, one major cause of the loose stools could be worms. The owner was given deworming tablets.


1. ROUNDWORMS. Diarrhoea would upset the toilet training schedule.

2. FREEDOM TO ROAM the kitchen, living area and utility area. This affected the success of paper training. The puppy needed to be supervised closely as he might chew wires.

3. BARKING DURING THE FIRST 7 DAYS. When his barking to come out of the crate at night was ignored, he settled down and slept inside the crate. However, the puppy barks a lot when the owner is home. So, he was let out of the crate.

By reacting to misbehaviour (barking), the puppy is rewarded by being let out of the crate. This will make it harder to stop barking behaviour. The ideal method would be:

3.1 Ignore barking. Don't make eye contact or touch him or react to him.
3.2 Reward him for not barking by letting him out.
3.3 If he barks, put back into the playpen.

4. FEEDING 3 - 4X/DAY. Very small breeds like the Yorkshire, Pomeranian, mini-Maltese and Chihuahua may have low blood sugar at 2-4 months of age. Feeding more than 2X per day is a good idea. In this case, the Yorkshire finished the dry food fast. So, the amount eaten per day can be monitored. The feedbowl is taken out after feeding.


The young lady owner seemed to think 4 months is too young to be toilet train. After all, babies do not get toilet training till 18 - 24 months of age.

He is ready for paper-training. The owner needed to know how to do it. He poops 3-4 x/day because he is fed 3 - 4 x/day. Watch for signs of sniffing, turning and squatting. Bring him to the papers, say "Poop here". Praise and reward him with a food treat for his performance.


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