toilet training, house training puppies

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Sunday, June 18, 2006

324. Cue words: Susu and kaka for the daily-coughing Jack Russell

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

The brightest yellow luminous modified sari worn by a good looking lady caught my eye. The colour fluoresces like the yellow luminous marker pen on my study desk. lady in her forties and a man with greying hair brought the tricolour male, 3-month-old Jack Russell was in for consultation of a cough lasting 4 weeks.

Every day, the puppy coughs a few times. Otherwise he was eating normally. He was not hyperactive like some Jack Russells.

"It could be a bacterial infection or chewing and swallowing rough things or both" I pressed the puppy's throat. The puppy lowered his head and coughed two times. Normal throats do not evoke coughs on palpation around the Adam's apple. Treatment was given.

"How's the toilet training for the past 2 months?"

"The puppy is paper trained 40% of the time but poops anywhere," the lady said. "At night, he would go to the master bathroom and eliminate on the newspapers on the pee tray."

The cue of "Suss (pee)" and pointing the the master bathroom was sufficient to make the puppy go to the master bathroom at night. The puppy sleeps in the bedroom at night, so he would not dirty the "den".

But during the day, the puppy had freedom of the apartment. The cue of "Kaka (poop)" did not work. What's the solution?


1. Know the times of poopging by recording. Usually it is after meals.
When the puppy shows signs of wanting to poopy (turning, sniffing, circling), bring him to the pee tray (new newspapers) and say "kaka". Praise and reward if successful.

2. Stop supper. Milk was given at 10-11 pm. Total meals per day were 4 times. So, the puppy poops at least 3x per day.

Areas for peeing sometimes differ from areas for pooping for some puppies. Reasons could be dislike for soiled pee tray or distractions or lack of a schedule for pooping after eating.


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