toilet training, house training puppies

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A veterinary surgeon at and founder of a licensed housing agency for expatriate rentals and sales at

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

445. "The Cavalier King Charles is dumb," Anna said.

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

"The Cavalier King Charles (CKC) is dumb," my veterinary assistant said to me when I asked whether this 5-month-old female puppy had been toilet trained in her house. "She just pees on the carpeted floor if I permit her inside the bedroom. The 1-year-old Shih Tzu would eliminate on the newspapers!"

"What's the daily routine for the CKC?" I doubted that the CKC is a dumb puppy.

"She has an exercise outdoors at night. She would pee outdoors."

I did not have time to check further. In this case, the CKC is used to "soft areas" to eliminate. The carpet is soft and she is conditioned to the feel of this type of toilet location. So she pees on the carpet.

Lately, she barked a lot when left alone downstairs to sleep. In order not to upset the neighbours, the Shih Tzu had to accompany her instead of staying with my assistant. Now, what is the solution?

My best suggestion is that the CKC wears a pad at night. Or start confining her to the bathroom in a playpen and start paper training. I need to follow up.


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