toilet training, house training puppies

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A veterinary surgeon at and founder of a licensed housing agency for expatriate rentals and sales at

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

38. The Shih Tzu had wood shavings in her eyes.

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

"A very painful right eye. Not eating."
Some wood shavings from the litter put on the Aluminium tray and playpen had fallen on this Shih Tzu.

I went to visit the condo to see the toilet-training layout. It was located in a wooded area. The playpen was kept in the balcony. A curtain shields the puppy from the breezes. No space in the kitchen which was also breezy. A small space in the living area. But the stools smell. So, the puppy could not go home to rest.

This breezy location was not ideal for the puppy. At night, it could be very cold especially if there is rain. During the day-time, it could be hot. Temperature stresses affect this puppy. She was strong but how much temperature variations can a 3-month-old puppy take? The breeze swept a piece of wood shaving onto her right eye. The owner assumed that tears would have dislodged this foreign body. In any case, the puppy must have rubbed off the shaving and injured her cornea.

So, I saw the puppy again. She was not eating because she had a fever. Barking loudly for attention vibrated from her crate. Strong loud sounds but she stopped when nobody paid any attention to her.

"The ideal owner for this puppy is a young lady, preferably single," I said to the owner as I showed her the dirt on the edges of this puppy and the tearing below her lower eyelids. All these grooming would need to be done by her. If not, a professional groomer needs to be engaged and that involves cost.

She has 3 pre-teen children to look after and has had no experience in caring for a high maintenance breed. I advised selling. "Mum can't care for this puppy," she said to her primary school daughter. "We need to find her another owner." The little girl's tears flowed from her red eyes. It was a difficult situation. But is there such an owner and where to find her?

READERS e-mail to me your problems or solutions. Your queries may be included in the book to help all puppy owners all over the world. E-mail to

Advertisers and sponsors for this book and another book HOW YOUR PUPPY CAN LIVE LONGER?, please e-mail to for more info or tel: +65 9668-6468.


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