toilet training, house training puppies

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Saturday, September 17, 2005

70. Extend the crate area with pieces of fences as barricades.

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Gradually increase the area for the puppy after 1 week. Take the 2nd layer of newspapers from the pee tray (assuming you have put newspapers on the pee tray) and put it at one corner of the extended area.

Or cover the whole extended area with newspapers. Gradually reduce the paper coverage when you know that the puppy favours a certain spot to eliminate. This is one way of paper-training the new puppy. Reward with treats and praises if it does well. This is one method of paper-training for owners who have had purchased a crate (cage) instead of 4 pieces of fences (playpen).

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69. The playpen with wire flooring, door and pee tray for the Jack Russell

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

This playpen has a pee tray below, protecting the floors from urine stains and odour.
Some owners put newspapers onto the pee tray. Some just wash the urine off the pee tray daily. If you put newspapers, you may be able to use the 2nd layer and put it outside the crate, e.g. on the floor. Observe the signs of elimination and put the puppy on the paper. Give command "pee here" and reward with lavish praises and treats. Many owners have had paper-trained the puppy this way.

For toy breeds, the height may be an obstacle. Lift them out of the playpen if you wish to play with them. Mats may be required to cover the wire flooring as the feet of toy breeds may get trapped inside the gaps.

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68. Sheltie confined for the first 2 weeks in the bathroom

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Sometimes it is important to be tough in training the new puppy by not allowing the Sheltie to roam all over the apartment. Interact in the common bathroom.

Treats motivate her to do what the working couple wanted her to, for toilet-training. She learns that the common bathroom is the toilet area.

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67. Mats cover wire flooring if you have toy breeds

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Don't let the small feet of toy breeds like the chihuahuas be trapped inside the gaps between the wire flooring. Use rubber mats with very small holes to cover the wire flooring.

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55 - 66. Toilet-training cases Jan - Jun 2005

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Before I used the blogs, I summarised my research in toilet-training via pictures with words. These are as follows:

Pictures only.

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Friday, September 16, 2005

54. Newspapers ineffective in toilet-training?

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Actually, the first-time puppy owner does not have information on how to properly toilet-train the puppy. Just putting newspapers on the floor and apply the commercial urine aid spray will not do.

If you let the puppy freedom to roam the whole apartment, you cannot paper-train it successfully. It needs a confined area especially during the first 2 weeks after purchase to understand why it must use the toilet area.

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Advertisers and sponsors for this book and another book HOW YOUR PUPPY CAN LIVE LONGER?, please e-mail to for more info or tel: +65 9668-6468.

53. The best crate in 2005 for Singapore puppies

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Puppies need and prefer privacy. The best money can buy in 2005 seems to be the stainless-steel crate. Now, most have wire-flooring with large gaps between wires. In the following picture, the flooring is small circular holes. In this way, the puppy's feet do not get caught in the gaps.

Rarely available in pet shops. Ask around or email to Costs around Singapore Dollars $350. Inexpensive options include one shown in case No. 58.

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52. Dr Sing's Puppy Book - Toilet Training overview

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

About to finish the research. Hope to publish the book for first-time puppy owners in Singapore as soon as possible. Time is always in short supply.

See a brief report of paper-training at:

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Thursday, September 15, 2005

51. Peed anywhere when let out of barricaded rubbish chute area

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Sibling came in for vaccination. Looked alike puppy in Case 49. BichonXMaltese.

Restriction to a small area below the rubbish chute by barricading the outlet. However, once let out, the puppy had no interest in going back to the confined area and started to pee everywhere.

Gradually increase the free area. Monitor and teach the puppy to pee in the appropriate place. If not, the whole apartment will be smelly.

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50. Common bathroom for paper-training the pug

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

The seldom used common bathroom and adjoining balcony can be a good place to paper-train the pug. The pug sleeps on a towel in the balcony (sheltered). With training, he was paper-trained in the common bathroom.

When brought downstairs, the puppy will pee anywhere. Confine and use 2nd sheet of the soiled newspapers to further train the pug. Neutralise all urine smells on the floor tiles with vinegar: water 1:3.

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49. Paper-trained the BichonXMaltese around 7 days

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

The young lady owner loved literature. She researched the internet and read books before buying the puppy. She kept the puppy in the bedroom and confined in a playpen with its own bedding and newspapers. Close supervision of the puppy in the bedroom resulted in the paper-training being completed around 7 days. There are puppies paper-trained within 3 days too.

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Advertisers and sponsors for this book and another book HOW YOUR PUPPY CAN LIVE LONGER?, please e-mail to for more info or tel: +65 9668-6468.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

48. Positive & Negative Reinforcement

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

The Chihuahua knew where to pee. Urine training aid was sprayed on the newspapers at the shoe rack area. The owner found it "ineffective" as the puppy was peeing all over the apartment. However, to the puppy, the apartment is too big, like a football field. So, she can't find the toilet fast enough and peed all over the apartment making it smelly. By week 4, she was paper-trained after being given training. Some light spanking, smelling of urine-stained papers and saying "No."

By week 4, she was paper-trained. But the smelly apartment needed a lot of cleaning.

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47. Discussing toilet-training of the Labrador Retriever with the vet?

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Each case varies, so there is no one-solution fits all owners.

In this case, the English lady brought a beautiful chocolate Labrador Retriever for veterinary examination after purchase. A 24-hour return guarantee if the puppy fails the examination.

"He is so handsome," she said. "Even if she fails the examination, I will not return him to the pet shop." He passed the examination.

In the condo, he chose to pee and poo under the dining table or on the wooden flooring of the bedroom. The pet shop operator had recommend her the puppy training pad. She wanted to toilet train outdoors but lived in the 19th floor of a small condo.

"The puppy shredded and ate the puppy training pads?" I was not surprised as paper shredding is a common compalint. The lady who nodded her head. "He is always hungry. I feed him fed twice a day as advised by the pet shop operator."

"3-month-olds put everything into their mouths," I replied to the young expatriate who had come to Singapore with her husband. "The puppy training pads would fill the stomach with non-nutritious foreign bodies causing stomach upset and obstruction if too much is swallowed."

So, what's my recommendation for her in toilet-training? The puppy went into a comatose-like sleep. Puppies need a lot of sleep.


The couple lived in a modern condo with marble flooring in the living and dining areas and wooden flooring in the bedrooms. "The maid's room is too small for a maid," the English lady commented to me. "How can a domestic helper live in such a small space?" It was inhumane from the European culture perspective. She was not lock her puppy inside a room.

"Most modern condos have very small maid's room, sufficient for a bed and a side table," I explained. "The cost of land is high or the developer wants to make the most money. What about the balcony?"

"The balcony is even smaller. There may be hot sun and rain, causing heat stress or chilling the puppy. The kitchen is the only area for toilet-training."

1. To put the baby gate at the kitchen entrance to confine the puppy there. Put newspapers to cover the whole floor. Puppy-proof the kitchen. But this puppy is a large breed. He will chew the cabinets if nobody is around.

2. The owner has time for training the puppy. So, crate training was the ideal method. But what she wanted to do was to get the puppy to go to the toilet outside the apartment, at the ground floor garden area.

She did succeed in bringing the puppy down 19th floor of the condo in an elevator to get him to pee and poop outdoors every morning and evening. There was a fixed schedule for eating, drinking and exercise. Except on some weekends when she overslept. The details are in another blog.

Monday, September 12, 2005

46. Fever from a wood shaving eye injury

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

The management of corneal ulcers in 2-3 months old puppies is not easy. The immune system of the puppy is not well developed. In this case, the Shih Tzu had fever on day 1 of admission and 3 days later.

So, it is important that no general anaesthetic be done to perform surgery to cover the eye ulcer. If this was done, the puppy may die and no owner forgives the veterinarian for puppy deaths. It is important to control the fever. Otherwise the puppy will not eat or drink. It may die. When she is well, she barks a lot for attention.

The cause of the ulcer: Wood shaving stuck on her right eye. Wood shavings were used as litter. They can be quite rough on the protruding eyes of the Shih Tzus if stuck on the eyes.

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45. The shivering Jack Russell was paper-trained in 2 weeks

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

The miniature type Jack Russell, the size of a Chihuahua, shivered as I asked the owner about toilet-training.

Generalised tremors. The young man held her away from the air conditioner's draught. This shivering is not due to the cold air. This Jack Russell may have some Chihuahua blood. Some Chihuahua puppies exhibit this generalised trembling at the veterinary surgery.

This puppy was paper-trained in 2 weeks. She had an organised housing floor plan (see picture). When the playpen was opened for her to roam the whole of the bedroom, she messes up sometimes.

My advice was not to permit so much freedom. Restrict to small area, give soiled newspapers (2nd layer) and neutralise the floor with anti-ammonia floor cleaner. Or vinegar:water spray 1:3 and clean up floor.

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Sunday, September 11, 2005

44. Indoor and outdoor toilet training a Miniature Schnauzer

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

The young man bolted out of the consultation room in less than one second to the waiting room. His black and silver Miniature Schnauzer yelped while his significant other, Nurse Ann and myself were puzzled.

His puppy farted. Well, I did not smell any foul-stinking intestinal gas. The puppy was due for her vaccination. I enquired about the toilet-training procedures. They were outdoor and indoor toilet-training methods.

However, the puppy has unpredictable bowel movements. Passes loose stools or semi-wet stools, mostly at night. Eats overnight stools. Seldom passes stools when brought outdoors 3 times a day. The stomach was slightly bloated as if she has worms.

Possible solutions:

1. Feed Management. Stabilise the intestinal gut movements to produce solid stools. Changeover to dry puppy feed plus water over 1 week. Presently, one handful of dry feed, 3 tablespoonfuls of canned food, various brands of treats and supplements. The puppy also eats or sniffs soil when downstairs at the grass area or car park.

2. Deworming.
3. Antibiotics.

Will get their feedback in 1-2 weeks.

As for toilet-training, the fixed schedule must be maintained. Timing must be regular.

As for stool eating, try an earlier dinner with new feed management to produce the gastro-colic reflex (full stomach - pass motion within an hour in some puppies and people). The owner considers bringing the puppy one more time outdoors, downstairs at 10 p.m. This may help or may not her to eliminate the stools and prevent her eating overnight stools (2 patches on the newspapers).

If the intestines are stable and normal, solid stools will be produced. From one case, this problem of passing gas and irregular bowel movement may be resolved. I still think the indoor and outdoor methods confuse this young puppy and delay the passing of stools. Usually 3-4 x a day in other owners. This puppy passes 5-6X per day or more as the stools are not solid. Sometimes, it could be due to the feed formula but the pet shop operator had been feeding the puppy the same formula and the first 2 days after purchase led to normal stools.

Indoor and outdoor toilet training of the small breed may be confusing if there is no fixed schedule to go downstairs or if the puppy has loose stools. Consult your veterinarian early as normal puppies fed on premium puppy food have well formed stools.

READERS e-mail to me your problems or solutions. Your queries may be included in the book to help all puppy owners all over the world. E-mail to

Advertisers and sponsors for this book and another book HOW YOUR PUPPY CAN LIVE LONGER?, please e-mail to for more info or tel: +65 9668-6468.