toilet training, house training puppies

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

443. Are 8- and 9-year-old Singapore's children more cunning?

I had fond memories as a primary two school relief teacher in 1969 for 6 months before I went to Glasgow University. 40 students --- 8-year-old boys and girls. I was 19 years old then.

Spelling tests were one subject. I did not give sweets or stars to motivate the students. I was an untrained teacher.

Lately I met a primary school teacher with over 30 years of primary education teaching.

"How are the primary two children nowadays?" I asked. "They were a fun lot during my teaching period."

"The children are more cunning than during your time," she said as she balance 3 bags of books each on her narrow shoulder. 6 big bags of books to be marked. I was worried she would get knee pain or shoulder collapse if she continued doing this.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

All the classmates would shout "Ms Lee, the ... is vomiting," when the Spelling test was on. Froth came out of her mouth. So the child would be excused from the test. This happened only during the Spelling test.

Solution: Detain her after school with her parental permission. The child started to learn so as to avoid detention. What a clever idea? This child was cunning?

"She challenged her parents to write," the teacher told me. "Her parents were illiterate. She would say, 'spell this word' to her parents. A nine-year-old biting the hand that feeds her? Life is unfair for parents nowadays. They tend to be lenient but the child tends to be more informed and educated and talk back.

"I had completed my homework but I forgot to bring the book to school," the 8-year-old primary two child told the trainee teacher who was under supervision by my teacher friend, Ms Lee.

The trainee teacher believed the child and informed Ms Lee.

Ms Lee gave the child a new book and said, "Do your homework now!" The child nonchalantly took out her own book and did the homework.

The trainee teacher could not believe it, "An eight-year-old knows how to bluff."

How about puppies? Do they trick the owner by not eating till the owner buys various brands of dog food and treats? A puppy that bites the hand that feeds him? Yes. There are some cases.

1. The puppy refuses to eat till the owner buys new brands or new food. Then they do the same thing. The owner gets worried. So, he buys other food and so on.

2. The male species bite when disciplined. As he grows older, his bite becomes more painful. Like the male Jack Russell terrier. He was neutered and given up even after neutering as the wife does not want him to bite the husband again. No second chance.

What are the solutions? Such owners seldom raise their voices. So the puppy, especially male ones grow up to be dominant. The solution to be firm in discipline and voice and be commanding may seem obvious, but not to all first-time puppy owners.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

442. Survey of one pet shop: Puppy Diaper

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

"Most puppy buyers are cheapskates," she said. "So I recommend newspapers as they will not buy the puppy training pads." I had asked one pet shop girl regarding toilet training advices to puppy buyers, using newspapers and other means.

"Due to the increasing cost of living in Singapore," I replied, "Most Singaporeans are trying to reduce expenses. This happens even in the U.S.A as more people shop in low cost Wal Marts."


1. Cleaner. The paws of the puppy do not get black compared to the use of newspapers.

2. Absorbent. The pads absorb urine well.

3. Urine smell inside the pad promotes earlier toilet training.


1. More expensive as newspapers are free. Owners usually change every 2-3 days.

2. Shredding but newspapers are also shredded by some puppies.