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Saturday, December 31, 2005

227. Dry cough 19th day after purchase - leash & cane basket

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

The White Miniature Schnauzer was not eating for 1 day and had lost appetite 2 days earlier. She had no fever. The complaint wa a cough with "phelgm" seen in the mouth. Bit there was o coughing when I palpated her throat and pressed the voice box area. So, what was the problem?

After 10 minutes, the puppy gave a series of hoarse "huh huh huh" cough. So, there was really cough. But what was the problem as the puppy was not eating even when offered minced meat from the can. Most puppies cannot resist canned food.

Unusual behaviour or really sick? Mum was worried that the kennel cough had returned although the pupppy had recovered sometime, after medication.
Kennel cough can last 1 month sometimes.

Most likely the causes are:
1. The leash irritating the throat. Change to body harness.
2. Chewing the basket bed. Trying to swallow the pieces, irritating the throat.
3. Puppy had a go at the cactus plant. So, plant bits might irritate the throat.
4. Insecticide sprayed on the floor and the puppy licked it. Possible.

I asked for a picture of the puppy. The quiet boy did not want his face to be photographed. As it was difficult not to include his face, I asked whether his sister would oblige. The sister was very happy to do so. The puppy was struggling as the sister tried to push the puppy's head down.

Fortunately, the boy did not mind as he could hold the puppy. Only this picture out of 8 was good enough. One can take hundreds on pictures and only one would be good enough. I was lucky in this case. I could not take hundreds as the children and the puppy would not be restless!

The boy and his brother love to read and illustrate. They do submit stories to contest. The brother carried a book every where, even at dinner time.

"I only know one child, my god daughter who did that," I said to the mum. "She became a lawyer."

Writing and illustration are a rare gift in Singapore's children because the culture is not there. Too many distractions, television and online chat and gaming and lack of support. I was thus pleasantly surprised to discover child writers and illustrators in one family. The parents are not writers, but the father is a great photographer.

If they have a teacher and parents who support them, these 2 boys will grow up to be great authors and illustrators. Most successful authors and illustrators write and draw from a young age.

Their mum had to buy books for them. "May have to borrow books from the National Library," she said.

"If I have such children, I will buy all the books they want to read," I replied. "My children at this age did not even read one book (other than school text books) per year. Reading opens up the mind, make them wiser and give them a very good command of the vocabulary. When the vocabulary is strong, the child excels in other subjects too , especially English language."

In other words, the child who reads a lot can do above average in academic studies. At least better than a child who does not read and write. The problem is that parents with such children do not have a support group of children writers in Singapore or know how to encourage by praises the little achievements of the child. Publishing their works will encourage writing. The National Library, Singapore may have such groups and there is a company publishing children's writings but I do not know how successful it is.

226. E-book on puppy toilet training - risky payment

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

In research, some books may need to be purchased as the National Library does not keep all books. The internet provides me a wealth of information including the links to e-mails to e-book purchase.

I asked my webmaster to check out the website selling an e-book on puppy training. It was a surprise to see that the payments were not in the U.S, but in Nigeria.

See my e-mail below.

Many thanks for tracing the payment source to Nigeria.

Mass e-mails from Nigeria in the past years asking for people to receive millions of dollars in their bank account on behalf of army generals who had died. The only condition is that receipients must put up a "fee" or go to Nigeria to discuss matters further before they can get a "commission".

The whole world had received such e-mails from Nigeria. Lately, there were a few such e-mails to me too.

Webmaster wrote: I did a trace of the website and it leads to Nigeria. The service provider is based in India and pass on the connection to Nigeria.

Unable to determine if its safe to epay with Nigeria.

David Sing wrote:

1. Please advise on whether it is safe to pay for this e-book?

2. Is it a con job?

3. I prefer a real book. This book is important to my research in toilet training but it may be a con job to get money via the internet. Pl advise.

Yahoo! DSL Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less To: "David"
From: "Burke Jones"
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 07:09:10 -0500
Subject: New Reviews of Dog Training Programs!

Hello David-

Burke Jones here from the Pet Health Depot. I hope your new puppy (if you have one yet) is well on its way to becoming well housebroken!

("housebroken" is a hyperlink to

Today I wanted to share something with you that all new puppy owners should really start to think about - obedience or behavior training.

As a service for you we have put together a NEW special report that reviews the top 3 dog training courses available online. After spending many hours and tons of money - we can only present three of the programs to our users - the ones we feel are the cream of the crop.

You can read about our top rated pick here - SitStayFetch:

If you want to see our reviews of the Top 3 Dog Training Courses:

If you have any questions, please feel free to drop us an email - just hit reply.

Burke Jones - Chief Editor
Pet Health Depot

This message is only sent to those that request it. You requested
this information while visiting, a top online resource
for pet health information.

Pet Health Depot, 2632 W. Whitney, Olathe, KS 66061, USA

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Friday, December 30, 2005

225. Leash, pee tray and bathroom for a pug

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

A very busy pug owner. He came at 1 p.m yesterday when his appointment was 11 a.m and was quite angry that the veterinarian was not in. Today, he came at the appointment time. The pug needed a 3rd vaccination.

"How you toilet-train him?" I asked as he was rushing off.

"Use a harness, clip a leash bought from the pet shop, around 6-foot long in the kitchen area, near the bathroom. Observe him for signs. Put him on the pee tray (with newspapers on top). Close the door of the bathroom."

The pug became paper trained in less than 2 weeks. This method was also successful with another dog earlier.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

224. Beagle pees on papers but poops anywhere.

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Yesterday, at Pasir Ris, I met an old friend working in a veterinary surgery. He was an excellent story teller but would not be able to write stories. He made me laugh by saying that the young vet pinched the skin as an injection was made into the back muscle. He petted his lower leg, "The solution shot onto my lower leg. No need to pinch the skin to do intra-muscular injection! "

He had plenty of advices for young veterinarians in private practice and much could be learnt from him if the young ones could take his advices. One advice to young vets is that Singaporean pet owners prefer a fast consultation and not wasting time talking. He may be correct as Singaporeans seem time-pressed. However, certain things cannot be rushed as in this case of explaining about the toilet training of this Beagle.

I could sense that the handsome couple with a boy and a girl were in a hurry. After all, they just wanted a 2nd vaccination. However, they were kind enough to share some information about toilet training for my research.

The Beagle was paper-trained within 1 week after purchase. They had sprayed urine smells onto the newspapers. Papers were placed in a few areas in the living room when the Beagle was let out. Sounds so easy.

But the Beagle would poop everywhere. A lot of times. 4 - 6 times a day. What's the solution? The Beagle was fed 3 times per day. Bowl was taken away after 5 minutes as she downed her feed so fast.

"Did you have a fixed eating schedule?" I asked. Not really.

"Did she poop before or after eating?" I asked. No sure.

My advice was to watch for her signs of wanting to poop. Sniffing, squatting and turning. Put her onto the newspapers. Say "Poop poop". Prevent her from running away from newspapers (this is a tip from the Cocker Spaniel owner in recent case) by cornering her.

Or use the outdoor car porch which can be washed easily. In this case, the Beagle will use that as the toilet area.

The couple said, "The puppy may run out of the house."

"It is best to put up a wire netting at the bottom of the gate," I advised.

I could see that the handsome couple had some appointments. So, I do not know whether I had succeeded or not in give some advices. Stool eating was not discussed. They were in a hurry.

They were kind enough to let me take some pictures to document my research. The first picture was good. It is not easy to get a good picture of a child and puppy. I was fortunate. The puppy kept turning her head sideways. The child was struggling. So, it was hard to be a dog and child photographer! I hope this girl grows up to be a vet as her mum said that was her wish. I advised mum to let her start writing a journal or blog about her pet every week. Can such a young child sustain and be interested in writing and taking pictures about her dog? This will be a first interesting case study as the answers will not be known till she is 18 years old.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

223. Switching old Pom to go to the outdoor toilet.

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2005 17:12:51 -0800 (PST)
Toilet-training an old Pomeranian


Can you be so kind as to advise me on the following:

My pom is 8 years old. Newspaper trained. How to toilet train her to do her stuff in the outdoors?


I presume the Pom is taken outdoors twice a day after meals or before meals. For the first few times, he would not pee or poop outdoors because he has never done it.

2. Take a piece of the soiled newspapers (first or 2nd layer with Pom's urine smell) and put on top of the grass patch.

3. Do not distract the Pom. Possibly, put her on a leash.

4. If the dog eliminates, praise him and then give a food treat within 3 seconds. Play with him.

5. For the first few times, the Pom will wait to go back indoors. Slowly replace the newspapers with grass patch. But with patience, your Pom will go to the grass.

6. When he does, place a piece of newspapers under his backside when he poops. Put it inside a plastic bag or wrap it and throw it in the bin. Keep the grass environment clean.

Monday, December 26, 2005

222. A Miniature Schnauzer's daily sticky discharge.

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

This Miniature Schnauzer would never lift leg to urine mark the apartment but would do so when taken downstairs. Would wake up the owner at 6 a.m.

At month 6, he with-held his urine when brought downstairs as he was pee-tray and wire flooring trained. After knowing what to do, he preferred the outdoor toilet.

As a male dog, he lifted his leg to urine mark outside only.

The problem was that after meals, he would self-stimulated, passing a sticky discharge on the floor. I advised neutering.

When he was 3 months old, he just had one vaccination and was sold. He suffered from gastroenteritis, with faecael parvoviral antigen positive. 4 days of hospitalisation and over $1,000 spent, he recovered. The lady owner and the family are very happy with him. He is a quiet dog but seems to be hypersexed. He would mount children's legs.

"Toys of all sizes including pillows are ignored unlike other male dogs that mount toys," the lady relative told me. "After meals, he would lick his 'bird'. The floor has a sticky discharge every day."

So, I advised neutering. The owner was worried about anaesthesiatic risks. The dog recovered.

"Licence fees would be lower for neutered male dogs now," the owner said.
I remembered to give him a neuter certificate as none was required for male dogs in the past. With this surgery certificate, he could get the discounted dog licence fee.

221. Alsatian Cross - 2 lengths of newspapers required.

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Adopted from a rehoming dog association in Singapore. Used to terrace house living and grass as toilet location. Now, lives in apartment.

Owner changes newspapers after peeing. About 4x/day. 2 lengths of the newspapers required as he is a big dog and volume of urine is more. In this way, he does not need to step on his urine as dogs are instinctively clean.

He pees in the centre of newspapers and is very clean. Paper trained now.

Outdoors at 7a.m and 10 p.m. Poops after meals and outdoors. Owner happy with this dog.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

220. What has a Primary 3 school teacher & a 19-year-old boy got to do with puppies?

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

What has my research in puppy toilet training got to do with my son (a 19-year-old national serviceman) and a primary 3 school teacher? Puppies are 4-legged. They are not of the homo sapien species.

The young adult

The young adult was not keen to go to this Christmas Eve dinner with his parents as the invitation was for his dad. He had strained his left ankle during basketball and had an excellent excuse to stay back and surf.

"Would there be guest of my age group?" he asked me. I said I did not know. He went to surf the internet. Mum shouted for him from downstairs but there was no answer. Would he want to come? No, if you gave him a choice. Yes, if he obliged his dad. I felt that he should socialise with unknown adults but it was difficult to say so in words. He would not hear. He was at this age when he could be moody. A sprained ankle was painful and he was not in a good mood. So would he want to go? There was not much choice as I went to his room to ask him. He had this kind heart and went out.

The primary 3 school teacher.

The primary 3 school teacher in her mid twenties might have felt the same as she had to accompany her mother. She was with relatives. I remember her because she corrected somebody who said my son was "cute."

"Don't call him 'cute'" she reprimanded. "Young adults do not like to be called 'cute'. They would like to be described 'handsome.' Wow, I thought. This was something new to me.

I have very rare teacher contacts. So, I asked her, "How do you motivate your students to study hard?"

The same lady who described my son as cute said, "Use the cane."

The teacher retorted, "You are behind time. This is not the seventies. Corporal punishment is out of fashion."

So, I know she uses the positive reinforcement training method instead of the negative method. How does she apply the positive reinforcement? I repeated my question.

"I give them bookmarks or stickers if they have all spellings correct for 5 times" she replied. "The girls leapt out from their desks when I announce their names!"

So, are the primary 3 students interested in accumulating bookmarks or stickers? I imagine the young ones hopping out like rabbits when their names are announced.

"It is not the bookmarks or stickers," the teacher said. "They can afford to buy as many as they want." I can say that all Singapore students can afford to buy bookmarks or stickers.

So, what it is that movtivate them to excel academically?

"It is the praise from the teacher," I concluded. "This praise motivates the students to compete with each other to excel."

Toilet training the puppy.

What has the young man and the teacher have in common with the toilet training of the puppy?

A father is the role model for the young man. But the father has no time to teach him social skills because there are few networking opportunities. Teaching must start from a young age, but such time has passed. 19-year-olds seldom want to accompany their parents to adult functions. Yet, they do learn how to be sociable by participating. He needs more of such functions to make him more experience in making small talk. His father has to be a role model as his mum is rather quiet.

Talk to those people at the party about their job and what they like. Easier said than done.

But a young man learns a lot by listening to the experiences of older people. In this case, the teacher shared her experiences of her love for her profession. She was inspired to be a teacher because of a Chinese TV soap opera called "The Neighbour" or something. In this 1980's Mediacorp TV soap opera, for which she corrected me that it was not a Chinese movie, the main character was a teacher. So, she wanted to be a teacher since she was young.

We seem to be digressing. So, what has the puppy toilet training research to do with the young man and the teacher?

To successfully toilet train a puppy, one needs to spend time with the puppy in teaching him how to do it.

A busy father has to spend time with the young man in social functions to teach him how to be interact with older adults as his peer group are young adults. When he graduates to the real world, he will then be able to talk to older adults comfortably. Many of them can give him their hard earned experiences and mentor him.
A puppy owner who is knowledgeable is able to toilet train the puppy faster. A puppy owner must take the time to train his puppy. So must a father.

A good teacher knows how to bring out the best academic performance in students by using positive reinforcement training. In puppies, the owner uses lots of praises and food treats to train the puppy. This is also positive training. 3-year-old students have the "same mental development" stage as 3-month-old puppies. Both responds to praises and recognition of good work done.

219. The Yorkshire Terrier poops many times in a circle.

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

I am Dr Sing from Toa Payoh Vets. Thank you for picture of Yorkshire Terrier taken on Dec 3, 2005.

On Dec 24, 2005, the lady owner said that the the puppy likes to poop a bit at a time in a circle when he is let out of the crate. He also pees everywhere. So, the room becomes messy. As she is working, she has little time to toilet train him.

6 months of age. The male hormones make toilet training more difficult as the puppy now is an "adolescent." He wants to do his own things. He wants to be the "leader" of the pack. It is much harder to toilet-train him compared to when he was 2 or 3 months old as the hormones make him less obedient.


Time must be spent to toilet train him when he is taken out. He was in the pet shop from 3 - 6 months of age. He needed to be re-trained when let out of the crate as he has been trained to eliminate inside the cage.

Solution 1. When the owner is at home, put him in a very small area covered with newspapers. When he shows signs (turning, sniffing, squatting), say "Pee now". When he pees and poops, praise him. Give him a food treat. Then let him out to play. If he does not eliminate, put him back in the crate for 15 minutes.This takes a lot of hard work and time.

Solution 2. Just bring him downstairs every 3 hours after work. Before dinner and after dinner and before sleeping. Always stick to the same time to go down. This may be a easier solution. Use a piece of newspapers for the puppy to poop on. Always remove the stools from the grass.
Although male dogs mark their territory by spraying urine every where on the floor or the walls, this Yorkshire Terrier seems to be marking territory by using stools as well as urine. This is his male instinct. Neutering him may stop this anti-social behaviour.

Dogs around 6 months of age pee and poop usually 2 times a day.

Neuter him to prevent him developing his territory marking behaviour now. This is anti-social behaviour. However, this may sound cruel to the lady owner.

I have attached picture as requested. Please download the attached picture of her puppy into a floppy disk. Nowadays, the studio will print it out a photo for her. Wish all a Happy Christmas. Many thanks for providing information. It helps a lot in my Singapore puppy toilet training research project.