234. E-mail. Poops on the floor but pees on the puppy training pad. USA puppy?
An e-mail from the USA?
<.....@webtv.net> wrote:
Judy, I got a mix Maltese/Llasha Apso puppy for Christmas. I try
confining to play yard inside and put a pee pad down. She pees on the
pad but poos on the floor. If I let her loose in the house she pees on
the pad but poos on the floor. I have lined her play pen with paper and
pee pad. How long should I leave her on the paper. I take her out as
often as I can. It is cold and rainy and she doesn't like it outside.
Help!!!!! (Name of owner)
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 09:14:38 -0800 (PST)
From: "David Sing"
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Subject: Re: toilet training
To: ...@webtv.net>
1. Some puppies do not poop on the pee pad (called puppy training pad) although they pee on them. In such cases, the urine smell of the pad did not condition them to poop on the pad. This problem has been reported by other puppy owners during the research of over 200 puppy owners in this blog.
1.1 The same problem sometimes happen in newspaper training too. The puppy will pee on the papers (sprayed with the stinking smell of puppy training liquid bought from the pet shop), but poops on the floor.
2. In your case, you may need to know when she poops. Usually this is within 30 minutes after eating, for most but not all puppies. So, you do not distract her after meals by playing with her.
2.1 Confine her in the playpen for 2 weeks or more. Let her out only under strict monitoring for signs of wanting to pee or poop. I do not know how big your play pen is to advise further? Can you send a picture?
2.2 If the playpen is small, the puppy will sleep and eat on one side (e.g. 50% clean area) and poop and pee on the other half (i.e. pee pad area). If the playpen is too big, then the puppy has too much space.
3. You still have to know the elimination times and give positive reinforcement such as watching for signs of wanting to poop. Say "Poop here", give treat and praises. Most puppies are toilet trained by 2 weeks if you train them with love and spend time with them. Let me know in 2 weeks your progress.
4. Please let me know how you came across our blog as it is mainly a Singapore-based blog. What search engine you used? Are you a blooger?
5. Please do not forget to email a picture of the puppy and the playpen for our research. I presume you are from the USA? Best wishes.
...@webtv.net> wrote: Thanks very much for the training tips.
My play yard is 8'x8'x24". I have training pad on one side and her blanket for sleeping on the other side. We feed her there and leave her to play or rest until I take her out to pee or poo. I am waiting for about one and half hours to take
her out to poo. I don't play with her. She usually chews on toys and
sleeps. Then I take her out when she awakes. She seems to be doing
much better.
Now that I am timing her more closely, she is doing fine. Thank you for your help. She has stopped pooing in her crate that she
sleeps in at night. I have one side pee pad and the other side blanket.
She has peed but not pooed since I take her out the last thing before we
go to bed about ten o'clock.
I got your information by typing in "toilet training puppies". I only have a web tv but can get lots of information just by search. I didn't realize you were in Singapore. We live in Tennessee near Gatlingburg, USA. Thanks again. Your
information seems to work. I'll let you know in a couple of weeks.
Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 12:57:34 -0800 (PST)
From: "David Sing"
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Subject: Re: toilet training of puppies in Tennessee
To: ...@webtv.net>
Thanks for your feedback on toilet-training of puppies. I am still doing research on this subject for my puppy toilet training book for first-time puppy owners in Singapore for a book to educate them. I have read about webtv but Singapore does not have webtv. It must be very useful as tvs are everywhere.
One question:
What search engine you use to do the search for "toilet training puppies"? Is it Google or Yahoo or other means?