toilet training, house training puppies

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A veterinary surgeon at and founder of a licensed housing agency for expatriate rentals and sales at

Monday, March 13, 2006

280. Perseverance. 3-4 months to be toilet-trained. A secret.

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

"How long you take to toilet-train your puppy?" I asked the young man who brought his dog for the annual vaccination.

"A long time."

"Did you beat your puppy to teach him?" I asked.


"How did your puppy become toilet-trained? Was it overnight success?" I asked.

"No, no. It takes over 3 to 4 months. I discovered the secret after a long time."

"What is your secret of success?" I was very interested as many owners could not successfully toilet train their puppies.

"I just put a fresh newspaper on top of the pee. The puppy just go there to pee and poop."

"Why did you not use the toilet training spray available at the pet shop? The spray has a strong urine smell?" I asked.

"I used it. But it has no effect."

This was a case of Perseverance. But would this young man had been successful earlier if he had confined the puppy to a small area? And have knowledge of how to do it? It was too late to tell him the basic principles of toilet training of the puppy. I let it go. All was well now.

279. Toilet Training: Human Babies and puppies

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore
1. When is the best time to toilet train your puppy?
In human babies, some control of the sphincter muscle is around 9 months of age. Before the age of one year, brain and body connection to eliminate not there.
So, for human babies, the later the better. 2-3 years old is recommended time to toilet train the human baby.
For puppies, as soon as possible, after 8 weeks old.
2. Puppies (children) will train themselves when they are ready?
Some experts believe in this. This may be true if there are older siblings.
But children 2 - 3 years old can be toilet trained because they can understand language and have motor skills. Seldom >1 accident in this group.
3. The order of development in human babies is: nightime bowel control, daytime bowel control, daytime bladder control, nightime blader control. Girls usually develop control before boys.
4. If the child is ready with mental and physical skills and a positive approach, toilet training should be easy. Harsh and negative treatment traumatize the child.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

278. Likes to poop in living area at 7 a.m

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Sunday. Back from Taipei yesterday.

A young couple in their twenties brought their miniature schnauzer, male, 17 weeks old but look like 8 weeks old, for vaccination. "We pay the $15 more for the 9-in-one vaccine," the couple said.

I asked about toilet training. The man said, "Maybe the puppy is still young. He likes to poop in the living area, as many as 4x/day."

Playpen + aluminium tray. 7 am, take puppy out. Let him have the run of the apartment while soiled papers are being changed. So, the puppy pooped anywhere.

Feeding - free feeding till finished bowl. Owner goes to work at 8 am, so cannot wait for puppy to finish eating. However, the bowl is empty when they come back.

Been with owner for 2 weeks.


Confine the puppy in the bathroom (with newspapers on the floor) while changing the soiled playpen. Put in the kitchen. Easier to clean tiles.

"Floor cleaners disinfectants used," the young man said. "But the puppy will pee elsewhere">