toilet training, house training puppies

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Friday, September 18, 2009

461. Two-hourly toilet training - pup

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

--- On Thu, 9/17/09,> wrote:

Subject: Toilet Training our New Pup
Date: Thursday, September 17, 2009, 3:30 AM

Dear Dr Sing

I read with great interest your website and your wealth of knowledge around toilet training pups - thanks so much for sharing.

We are getting a PWD Pup next week from Australia. He is 12 weeks old and one of our first priorities is to toilet train him, as we live in a condo. We are personally not in favor of the pee tray and wanted to know if there is any problem with taking the pup down to pee every 2 hours or so? We realise this will be hard on us initially, but feel that it might be worthwhile to invest in this time upfront, so that he learns to eliminate outside the house, over time. I would love to have your opinion on this.

Secondly, can you advise on where we can purchase the wire pup pens that you have shown on your web site? I feel it's a better option that gating as we can move the pen wherever we want.

Look forward to hearing from you and thanks again!

Name of owner


Thank you for email. In reply, taking out the pup 2 hourly is in theory, a good idea. But can you really wake up past midnight to do it for 7 nights or more? This is when most owners can't wake up. If you can, it may work. No water after 8 pm is a tip. Sleep next to the pup (pup in playpen) for the 7 nights and bring the pup to the toilet when you observe signs of elimination. In this way, you will note when the pup needs to eliminate. It may not be exactly 2 hourly. Using the guide of N-1 where N-months in age of the pup, a 3-month old
is, in theory, going to need to pee 2 hourly. This is just a guide and not a scientific formula.

Playpens can be bought at most pet shops selling pups in Singapore. Tel 62543326 and leave your tel with Mr Saw so that we can phone you regarding the name of pet shop we vaccinate the pups if you want to buy a particular type of playpen.

P.S What is a "PWP" pup

--- On Thu, 9/17/09,> wrote:

Subject: Re: Toilet Training our New Pup
To: "David Sing"
Date: Thursday, September 17, 2009, 11:34 PM

Thank you Mr Sing for your reply. We were not sure of the confusion we might cause the pup with paper training and taking him every two hours!

A PWD is a Portuguese Water Dog.

Thanks again for your help - much appreciated.


Once you have a routine of feeding, exercise and going out for elimination every 2-3 hours,, the normal average pup of 3-4 months of age learns very fast (7-14 days). Of course you need to provide positive reinforcement training, using oral command, food treats and lots of praises on success. And knowing the signs of elimination.