toilet training, house training puppies

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Saturday, January 28, 2006

255. Pee-Pan trained after 1 month - Success story.

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

I was looking for a real case of how a puppy owner successfully toilet-train a puppy on a pee pan in response to an e-mail query from another owner in Post No. 254 and 253 yesterday.

I had consultations by appointments and so it was not possible to ask every new puppy owner how the puppy was toilet-trained. It takes around 20 - 30 minutes to discuss their cases. The waiting room people would get restless.

In this case, the young lady complained that the female, Miniature Schnauzer suddenly was incontinent. She pees everywhere except onto the pee pan. A change of house-breaking habits. Was she having a urinary tract infection?

Her urine just leak out all over the apartment. I put her on the consultation table. If only she could talk. She was active and had no fever. I palpated her bladder with my right fingers. Her bladder was slightly distended. As round as a 2-cm diameter marble. As I felt it, 5 drops of clear urine spurted out onto the steel table. The lady owner took out her tissue paper to wipe them off.

"What's happening to my puppy?" she asked. There was no easy answer. If only puppies could talk. No changes of diet. No new treats. No other changes in her environment except that the puppy had been to the park.

Could she have been frightened by a dog that suddenly approached her? This was possible. A frightening experience causing her to lose her regular toilet training habits.

Yet, a puppy in a secure happy environment as this one would not be traumatised so much. So, was there another reason?

The clue was that the puppy refused to pee on the pee pan. suddenly.

"Was she frightened of the pee pan?" I asked.
"Yes," the lady owner said. "She refused to go near the pee pan."

So,the lady provided the answer.

Now, why was the puppy afraid of the pee pan? The vet had to give the answer.

Did the puppy climb up the playpen (trying to escape) and fall down?

The young lady nodded her head, "Many times".

So, it was possible that the puppy feel onto the edge of the pee pan. She hurt herself in the bladder area. When she wanted to pee, she felt the pain and now avoided the pee pan.

An incredulous explanation? I know that puppies learn from pain. Some puppies jump down from the chair or table and after that, would not do it again if they felt the pain. I saw a Jack Russell climbing a play pen and fell down. After that this puppy would not climb the play pen.

So, it was possible that this Miniature Schnauzer had a painful experience by falling onto the pee pan and associated the pee pan with pain. Yet she had to pee. She withheld her urine but still had to pee. So, she became incontinent.

I asked the young lady to e-mail to me a picture of her housing and to let me know in 24 hours whether the puppy would pee onto a "new" pee pan.

A new pee pan could be purchased or made of cardboard boxes. The old pee pan's urine could be neutralised with vinegar:water 1:2 and used again. What this lady is going to do will depend on her.

I am eager to see what is the response of the puppy. But this lady had successfully pee-panned trained her puppy. I hope others could learn from her method.

Basically, a play pen encloses the puppy. A pee pan with newspapers on one side. The plastic carrier with chew toys on the other. A water bowl in between. The feed bowl is given to the puppy only during feeding times and removed from the plastic carrier. The plastic carrier is the puppy's den and bed. It took her a month to be successful. Probably she did not do it full-time as she was working.

During the consultation, I noted that the plastic carrier was wet with the puppy urine, confirming incontinence.


Friday, January 27, 2006

254. E-mail No. 2. Follow up on 5-month-old Silkie

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore


> ... wrote:

> Dear Judy,
> I just bought a 5 months old silky terrier 3 weeks
> ago. We are trying to toilet train since the first
> day
> she arrived at our home. We confine her in the guest
> toilet with her toy, bed and pee tray. Whenever she
> had accident we will bring her to pee tray but she
> still don't get it. She will sometime sleep in her
> pee
> tray although we put her urine there. Now we even
> sit
> in the guest toilet wait for her to eliminate, but
> she
> will hold for as long till we leave (that was about
> 1
> to 2 hour's time) then she pee on the floor or her
> bed
> immediately. We really don't know what to do with
> her.
> We bring her out every morning before we going to
> work
> and in the evening after work. She will do her poo
> but
> she will also poo and pee in the house when let out
> to
> play.
> We bought puppy potty training spray but no use.
> Please help!!!!
> Thank you very much.


--- David Sing wrote:

> 1. Some puppies take a much longer time to toilet
> train because the owners are not free. Some take 2
> months.
> 2. Three weeks of part-time toilet training is not
> sufficient. I presume you work the whole day, so you
> did not have much time to toilet train her.
> 3. As each case differs, I can only speculate that,
> in your case, you confused the puppy by putting her
> into a guest bathroom with lots of urine smell.
> 3.1 The guest bathroom is a big space from the
> puppy's point of view. She would have found a place
> to pee and poop by herself in the first 7 days (in
> most cases) if you had not introduced a pee tray
> with urine smells.
> 3.2 But you want her to pee in the pee tray as you
> had sprayed the housebreaking
> urine spray. The bathroom is full of urine smell.
> So, the puppy got no particular toilet area.
> Try the following:
> Neutralise the urine smell in the toilet floor and
> toilet bowl with vinegar:water 1:2 thoroughly and
> daily.
> Make the pee pan the only place with urine smell. I
> presume you put newspapers onto the pee pan?
> 4. After accidents, many puppies do not understand
> why you put her onto the pee tray. Lots of
> repeitition and hard work to make her understand.
> Watch for signs of turning, squatting and sniffing
> and bring her to the pee tray. This is easier said
> than done.
> 4.1 Neutralise the urine smell in the accident areas
> too. Watch for signs of wanting to pee, carry the
> puppy to the pee pan. Say "pee pee". If she does
> that, praise a lot and/or give a treat. Repeat many
> times. For your case, 3 weeks of part-time toilet
> training is not enough.
> 5. Distractions. When you are there, the puppy wants
> to socialise with you. So she controls her bladder.
> Especially if you have had brought her outdoors to
> pee and poop.
> 6. Let me have a schedule of the puppy's daily
> activity, e.g. time to wake up, go downstairs,
> feeding, playing, sleeping so that I can advise
> further.

E-MAIL NO. 2. QUESTIONS> <> wrote:

Hi Dr Sing,

Thank you very much for the quick reply. My puppy was
vaccinated by you when she is still in the pet shop.

My puppy's daily schedule: (Weekday)
wake up – 7.00am
1st feeding – 7.30am
go downstair - 7.50 am
playing - 8.30 - 9.00 (play a while at home)
sleeping - after i leave for work, most of the time
she sleep. ( i on classical music for her whole day so
that she won't feel bored)
2nd feeding - 7.30pm
go downstair - 8.00pm
training (sit, come, stop...) - 9.00pm (at home)
Play until 12pm then sleep

My puppy's daily schedule: (Weekend)
wake up - 10am
1st feeding - 10.30 am
During Weekend, we will bring her out longer to nearby
park. and basically she will have free roam for the
whole day when at home. She will sleep underneath sofa
and then wake up to play again, there is no specific
time of playing and sleeping.
2nd feeding - 8.30pm
Sleeping - 1.00am

Thank you very much again for the help and wishing you
a happy chinese new year...
gong xi fa cai


Thu, 26 Jan 2006 02:27:40 -0800 (PST)
From: "David Sing"
Subject: Re: Please help on toilet training.
To: <>

Thanks for e-mail.

The puppy is toilet trained outdoors twice a day during week days. So, she is used to this routine. When you go to work, she pees on the bathroom floor. When you are home in the evening, she has already eliminated outdoors. A 5-month-old puppy can generally not need to pee for around 4 hours. Is that what your puppy is doing?

To make her pee on the pee tray is difficult. However, neutralise all urine smell in the bathroom as advised in earlier e-mail. Confine her to a small bathroom area of 3 feet x 3 feet with the pee pan + soiled urine newspapers when you want to train her to pee on the pee tray. No coming out of the bathroom for the first 2 weeks (too late for you?)

If the puppy is out, you need to monitor for signs, say "pee pee" when you put the puppy on the pee tray, praise for performance. All these take a lot of time in the evenings.

As for the weekend routine, the puppy's toilet training schedule is upset. For the first 2-4 weeks, new puppy owners should have confined the puppy to the small area to toilet-train. No outing to the parks. A fixed schedule of feeding and exercise 7 days a week for at least 2 weeks is a key to success. Withhold water after dinner.

Let me know if you succeed in pee tray training, let me know. Indoor and outdoor toilet training may be too much for your puppy as you do not give her a fixed timing, especially during weekends! So, expect 4 - 8 weeks to succeed!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

253. E-mail No.1. Silkie will not use the pee pan in the guest bathroom. Why?

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore


Dear Judy,

I just bought a 5 months old silky terrier 3 weeks
ago. We are trying to toilet train since the first day
she arrived at our home. We confine her in the guest
toilet with her toy, bed and pee tray. Whenever she
had accident we will bring her to pee tray but she
still don't get it. She will sometime sleep in her pee
tray although we put her urine there. Now we even sit
in the guest toilet wait for her to eliminate, but she
will hold for as long till we leave (that was about 1
to 2 hour's time) then she pee on the floor or her bed
immediately. We really don't know what to do with her.
We bring her out every morning before we going to work
and in the evening after work. She will do her poo but
she will also poo and pee in the house when let out to

We bought puppy potty training spray but no use.
Please help!!!!

Thank you very much.



Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 12:55:45 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Please help on toilet training.

To: <>

1. Some puppies take a much longer time to toilet train because the owners are not free. Some take 2 months.

2. Three weeks of part-time toilet training is not sufficient. I presume you work the whole day, so you did not have much time to toilet train her.

3. As each case differs, I can only speculate that, in your case, you confused the puppy by putting her into a guest bathroom with lots of urine smell.

3.1 The guest bathroom is a big space from the puppy's point of view. She would have found a place to pee and poop by herself in the first 7 days (in most cases) if you had not introduced a pee tray with urine smell.

3.2 But you want her to pee in the pee tray as you had sprayed the housebreaking
urine spray. The bathroom is full of urine smell. So, the puppy got no particular toilet area.

Try the following:

Neutralise the urine smell in the toilet floor and toilet bowl with vinegar:water 1:2 thoroughly and daily.
Make the pee pan the only place with urine smell. I presume you put newspapers onto the pee pan?

4. After accidents, many puppies do not understand why you put her onto the pee tray. Lots of repeitition and hard work to make her understand.

Watch for signs of turning, squatting and sniffing and bring her to the pee tray. This is easier said than done.

4.1 Neutralise the urine smell in the accident areas too. Watch for signs of wanting to pee, carry the puppy to the pee pan. Say "pee pee". If she does that, praise a lot and/or give a treat. Repeat many times. For your case, 3 weeks of part-time toilet training is not enough.

5. Distractions. When you are there, the puppy wants to socialise with you. So she controls her bladder. Especially if you have had brought her outdoors to pee and poop.

6. Let me have a schedule of the puppy's daily activity, e.g. time to wake up, go downstairs, feeding, playing, sleeping so that I can advise further.


Knowing the history of how the puppy was housed would be useful. If she was kept in a Singapore pet shop, the ideal housing would be a wire crate with wire flooring and door. The pee tray would be below the crate. When the owner works, the puppy is kept confined in the crate. When the owner is back, she is let out in the guest bathroom but nowhere else, for the first 2 - 4 weeks. This depends on whether she is using the crate as her toilet.

If she does that within a week, almost all toilet training problems are resolved. The puppy will just jump into the crate to pee and poop.

But the puppy was housed in a guest bathroom. So, she was given a larger space to roam. She did not know exactly where she should go to the toilet since she was also taken outdoors to pee and poop.

Probably there was no fixed time going outdoors too as the owner is busy working. In this case, the puppy would rather not pee or poop while the owner was around as this was the time to socialise and play with the owner when she is back from work. The dog is a pack animal and needs company.

How to toilet train the Silkie in this case? Get a fixed schedule of outdoor exercise, feeding and spend time monitoring the puppy and toilet training. Neutralise the urine smells. Accidents will occur. Watch for signs to prevent accidents and put the puppy onto the pee tray.

In many cases I encounter during my research of 300 puppies in Singapore, there is no fixed schedule for feeding, exercise and toilet training for the puppy as the owners are busy working or are not aware that there must be fixed times for feeding and outdoor exercise so that toilet training can be successfully completed in the shortest time.

Monday, January 23, 2006

252. Tip - The domestic worker quickly replaced soiled newspapers & the N-1 formula.

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Miniature Schnauzer Black and Silver, Female, 5 months.
Puppy came in for consultation of vomiting 2 x today and 1 x yesterday. No diarrhoea.
Lives in a house. Fed in the garden (cleaner) but goes indoors to pee on the pee pan (Aluminium Pan).

Playpen + Aluminium Pan + urine spray aid on newspapers for first week.
Playpen fences removed on week 2.

Puppy trained to goto the newspapers on the pee pan. When she had accidents, she would be "beaten" ( a roll of newspapers hitting the floor).

"Why don't you carry her when you see signs of circling and squatting?" I asked.
"Too late," the daughter laughed. "Her urine would spray onto me."

It took around 4 weeks to successfully paper-trained. The daughter was having school holidays and could spend time training her.

Poops 3-4 times a day.
Pees 3-4 times a day.

This case was interesting because the mother and daughter (Sec 3 girl) knew that the puppy pees 3-4 times a day.

"How do you know this puppy pees 3-4 times a day?" I asked. Many puppy owners say "many times".

"The domestic worker is very good. She replaces the soiled newspapers on the pee pan immediately." The puppy will go to the pee pan newspapers in the living area downstairs even if she is on the 3rd floor of the house. What a clever puppy.

By changing the papers, the puppy was encouraged to eliminate to the papers.

As a general guideline, a puppy can withhold urine based on N-1 formula. N = Age of puppy in months.

In this 5-month-old puppy, N-1 should be 5-1 or 4 hours.
As waking hours are assumed to be 16 hours per day (not 24 hours), the puppy peeing 3 - 4 times means roughly 4 hourly of bladder control. This observation verifies the formula given by the dog experts. That means the 5-month-old puppy should not be crated or confined for more than 4 hours if the crate training method used in housebreaking.

Pooping 3-4 times while fed twice per day is surprisingly. Most puppies at this age can poop twice per day.

On further questions of vomiting, the puppy had been dewormed. There was no fever.

The puppy had been eating soil, grass and swallowing pieces of rawhides. The stomach might be upset by soil and maybe small stones and sand. So pooping 4 times per day may be the result.

It was kind of the mother to provide the information. I saw her looking at her watch. Only later did she tell me that her Sec 3 daughter was late for her Chinese tuition.

This is probably the only research report substantiating the N-1 formula proposed by some dog experts regarding how long can a puppy be confined without soiling the crate.

251. Tip - Why the new 8-month-old Miniature Schnauzer barked at 11 p.m?

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

"He did not pee the whole night," the new owner said of the 8-month-old Miniature Schnauzer bought from a pet shop yesterday. He was here for the veterinary examination after purchase, as recommended by the pet shop operator.

"At 8 months of age, the dog can control its bladder and may pee 1-2 times per day," I was surprised at this question assuming that all dog owners know.

"Did he bark at around midnight?" I asked.

"Yes," the young lady said. "We heard some barking at 11 p.m, for a short while. Then silence." The puppy was bought at 8 p.m.

"That barking might mean he wanted to go to the toilet," I said. "He never peed or pooped at home yesterday?"

"He did shit at around 11 pm - 12 midnight," the young lady said. "The living area was soiled. The next day, he pooped in the toilet at 10 a.m.

"That barking was to tell you he wanted to go to the toilet as he did not want to dirty the sleeping area or living area. Older dogs and most puppies do not want to soil the sleeping area."

The dog passed its post-purchase veterinary examination. The owners were advised to phone the pet shop to know the feeding and exercise and toilet times so that this handsome Schnauzer needed not change his elimination habits. I suspected the pet shop operator brings him out to pee and poop, probably twice a day.

Know the history of elimination. A lot of housetraining problems can be avoided and the dog owners and dog area both happier for that tip.

250. "Lots of business opportunities" to make money from puppies?

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

"Lots of business opportunities," a dog lover and computer expert said at the end of a tour of a top dog breeder farm, a top dog boarding kennel and a younger dog breeders in Pasir Ris.

I wanted him to be my webmaster for an internet marketing of Singapore puppies to all over the world. But he must see the players in the dog breeding industry, to appreciate its idiosyncracies, needs and problems. Otherwise, this project would just be another one of the meaningless projects he had worked for the government.

I introduced him to a top breeder who could not speak English. Wearing shorts and sometimes bare chested, he was extremely successful in the industry. Low profile. He said to me in the Hokkien dialect, "How come he has an English name but look Chinese?"

"Well," I explained. "His father is English."

I know that this breeder needs a website to sell his puppies globally. He invests large amounts of money in buy high quality male dogs. But the Singapore buyer has a "cheap and lowest price" puppy buying mindset generally.

So, it will be good if I can help him to sell his puppies globally. When he gets high quality buyers, he gets better paid for his 7-day-a-week-no-holiday hard work. He can recoup his investment and buy more better quality breeding stock. He will become very successful because he has income to invest further. This will be good for him and elevates the standards for the dog breeding industry in Singapore.

He does not realise the usefulness of the internet marketing potential. Probably never uses e-mails or short-message texts. Sometimes I scold him for not spelling the breed of the puppies correctly in the vaccination cards. But Singapore webmasters are expensive and unreliable. Here today and gone tomorrow type of webmasters, in my observation.

So, this is where my computer expert and dog lover comes in. This "Englishman" is ideal for my concept of starting a internet global sales for this top breeder. There will be no money from him. The internet is useless, he had said to me sometime ago.

Many Singapore dog breeders cannot sell their puppies by themselves. Newspapers advertisements are costly. The selling prices of puppies are low and production is also low.

So, the internet marketing of puppies as a group is the best option in the long-term for Singapore professional dog breeders. There needs to be an experienced webmaster to execute my concept for a internet puppy marketing website. "Lots of business opportunities," I told him. Will this "Englishman" take my bait and be self-motivated?

Whether this project will make money or not is hard to say. I view this as a giving back to the community, a community project for the puppies to find a good home and for dog breeders to reach a wider audience. Presently, they have to ask the pet shop operators to sell their puppies. No doubt, pet shop operators are still necessary. But top breeders need a global audience to sustain their profitability and upgrade their industry.

This is where the "Englishman" who cannot speak Chinese but loves dogs will be most important. "Lots of business opportunities," he said to me at the end of the tour.

"Think more as a community service," I replied. "Build the website to help the puppies find new homes or good homes. Nobody wants to do it because there is no money and no collective support from the breeders. Or they cannot do it because they have no trust from Singapore dog breeders and no perseverance. This project takes 2 - 3 years to show.

Money will come some years later. If you do not think of it as a money-making venture, you will enjoy this project as you get to see puppies going to good homes all over the world."

I am prepared to put money where my mouth is. So, is the "Englishman" willing to execute my concept for me? Can this concept of internet marketing of puppies be successful? Nobody knows. Money burns fast in any internet project. So, an experienced webmaster who stays the course to execute the project for the next 2-3 years is an important partner.

I am sure the successful fruit seller you see in this picture did not know that he would have a variety of fruits from all over the world to sell to me when he just had a concept of starting a fruit stall in a suburban smelly market place where youngsters are seldom seen. You can see that he is successful personally, in his smiles, in his girth and in the attractive fruits he sell.

His best selling strategy when he recommends the best fruits to to me: "Very sweet fruits. I give them to my best customers. The only complaint from my customers is that these fruits are expensive."

I would buy some of these fruits. My wife would complain about the sour grapes because not every of the fruits would be sweet.

Another time, he would use the same sales talk. I would buy the strawberries. They would be tasteless at the worst. My wife would say, "Sweetheart, you are so gullible!"

249. Four weeks of carrying puppy into crate to pee

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Owner not aware of the use of door. The crate is too high for the puppy to get inside when the door is opened, according to the owner. Once, the puppy was injured jumping out of the crate. So, the door is now locked. Got to carry puppy into the crate from the open top.

I suggest:

1. Use pee pan + newspaper to paper-train the puppy. Open the door.
2. If door is too high to climb into, maybe a ramp? Some people use a bbq grill for pup to climb into crate.
3. Newspapers with urine smell outside the crate to prevent accidents. The puppy will wait outside the crate to pee, but sometimes the owner is not free. So, pee outside the crate floor.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

248. Creative Research is not a sudden flash of inspiration?

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

I read the Times Magazine, Jan 23, 2006. How To Sharpen Your Mind. On Page 48 - 49, there was a fascinating article on "The Hidden Secrets of the Creative Mind". I read this article I wrote my research report No. 247 about the American Cocker Spaniel.

According to the article, all research showed that the creative process is basically the same. Generating ideas, evaluating them and executing them, with many creative sparks happening over time. Take risks, make a lot of mistakes because creativity is a numbers game. It is a romantic myth to think that creativity is gifted or from one moment of inspiration. It is about hard work. If you are waiting for inspiration, you will never start working and be creative.

It took a lot of time. For this weblog on toilet training in puppies, it took over 2 years. I had to keep focused as it is hard work. Now, I am nearing ending my research of over 300 cases to write a book.

I felt like giving up many times. Had better things to do. Do research of over 200 cases of puppy toilet training for an educational book to help first-time puppy owners or putting up a weblog can be very time-consuming.

I checked how long I took to write report 237.

I took over 1 hour to complete. This is still a long time for me. I had to refer to my notes in a notebook. Download the pictures. Make the picture (above) prettier using Photoshop. What's was the problem with this case? Solutions. Upload the file and pictures. All on a nice Sunday dawn with the music on.

The Times article said that multi-tasking on several same field projects at once may foster some unexpected connections and new ideas. Creative minds are not inherited nor sudden flashes of inspiration in the bath tub, bed or the bus (the 3 B's referred to in creativity research).

We cannot be creative by studying in more than one field. So, stay focused and work hard on one area (e.g. real estate, national service full time, music, puppies).

Learn everything that has been done (read up and do research on puppy toilet training in my case, real estate for housing agents. Hard work deters many people.

I am still thinking of how to write this puppy-toilet training book such that children 8-18 years old will find it a page turner. It may take another year to get the book done. I have to do research on children's book writing and on the craft of writing itself. In addition to interviews with puppy owners and other things to do. So, the book may take years to publish.

This report is written for associates of and a national service solider who was attacked by sand flies

247. American Cocker not paper trained, house smells.

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

The female American Cocker peed not once but twice on the consultation table. Large amounts. A stronger than normal smell of urine hit my nose.

"If this Cocker is not toilet-trained," I advised, "Your whole house will be smelly but you will not be aware of the smells. Your friends will not want to visit you. The bigger the breed, the more amount of volume she produces. More smelly the house."

"No smell," the young lady said.

"I can smell urine when I come back," the Caucasian friend laughed.

This puppy had been with the couple for the past 7 weeks. The house had an open concept, so there were no doors according to them.

"Best to confine the puppy and start paper-training," I said. Many owners have not thought of removing the playpen fences so that the puppy could access the newspapers in the pee pan. The puppy housing in this configuration consists of 4 fences planted on and enclosed by an aluminium tray. As there is no gate, the puppy could not get to the newspapers when let out. The owners had not thought of putting another piece of paper with puppy urine smell outside the playpen.

"The house is like a big football field," I said. "So, the puppy just pee everywhere." She was fed outside and put back into the playpen to poop. But she pees so much that it was not possible to put her back in time.

So, what's the solution?

As the puppy grows bigger, the house will be more smelly.
She seems to have either "submissive urination" or "excitation urination". She peed large amounts twice on the consultation table.

"Use vinegar:water 1:2 to neutralise all floor tiles in your house," I said. "Be careful if your floor is marble. Test a patch or use 1:4 first."

But the floor was on laminate or wood.

"Is there an alternative?" the expatriate asked. I do not know.

However, the puppy would be confined in the kitchen to be paper-trained. I hope she would be as the urine can be very smelly. This depends on the type of dog food (an exotic brand).

It would be interesting to follow up on this case. The principles of restricted area if required if you want to successfully toilet training puppies. Otherwise, the puppy cannot locate the toilet as the house is too big for him.