277. "DIAPERS" for toilet training
Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore
Lady owner with 4 children, Primary 6, Sec 1, Sec 3 and Sec 4.
Miniature Schnauzer, Male, White. Blood in watery stoools. Has puppy for a week.
1. Prefers to use "diapers" - puppy training pads.
2. Reasons:
2.1 Cleaner
2.2 No paw prints on floor.
2.3 Must change diapers 4X per day. Cost is not a problem. Less trouble having to mop floors. Puppy runs all over the apartment except at night.
2.4 Newspapers do not soak up urine fast. Paw prints dirty floor.
2.5 Puppy does not eliminate on soiled diapers. If more than 2 spots of urine, puppy will not step onto diapers. Will pee on the floor.
75% wet with urine or has poop, will need to change. If not, puppy will pee half in and half outside the diaper.
Hence the need to change diapers 4x per day. It was worth the money.
1. Pee pan 1 ft x 1.5 ft. Diapers placed on pee pan.
2. Bed on the right side, upper.
3. Lower half space for elimination.
4. Use urine aid to spray in the middle of the diapers.
5. lst few days, "accidents". Say "no". Bring to pee pan. Praise and treats. Full-time mother, she could train the puppy. 7 days to toilet train on pee pan, full-time by the mother.
Howl at night. Say "Stop". Puppy not cry. Switch off lights. .
Lady owner with 4 children, Primary 6, Sec 1, Sec 3 and Sec 4.
Miniature Schnauzer, Male, White. Blood in watery stoools. Has puppy for a week.
1. Prefers to use "diapers" - puppy training pads.
2. Reasons:
2.1 Cleaner
2.2 No paw prints on floor.
2.3 Must change diapers 4X per day. Cost is not a problem. Less trouble having to mop floors. Puppy runs all over the apartment except at night.
2.4 Newspapers do not soak up urine fast. Paw prints dirty floor.
2.5 Puppy does not eliminate on soiled diapers. If more than 2 spots of urine, puppy will not step onto diapers. Will pee on the floor.
75% wet with urine or has poop, will need to change. If not, puppy will pee half in and half outside the diaper.
Hence the need to change diapers 4x per day. It was worth the money.
1. Pee pan 1 ft x 1.5 ft. Diapers placed on pee pan.
2. Bed on the right side, upper.
3. Lower half space for elimination.
4. Use urine aid to spray in the middle of the diapers.
5. lst few days, "accidents". Say "no". Bring to pee pan. Praise and treats. Full-time mother, she could train the puppy. 7 days to toilet train on pee pan, full-time by the mother.
Howl at night. Say "Stop". Puppy not cry. Switch off lights. .