toilet training, house training puppies

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Friday, June 29, 2007

454. Coprophagia. -- Eating poop and pooping frequently --- 5-month-old female Miniature Schnauzer

Draft copy Jun 30, 2007 7 a.m

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Coprophagia. The puppy or dog eats poop (faeces).
Causes: In 500 puppy owners interviewed for the Puppy Toilet Training Project, coprophagia affects around 5% of the cases. Usually the healthy puppy eats its own poop till adulthood. In Singapore, puppies seldom have chance to eat the cat's poop as most owners have only one species.


1. In most cases and my review of the literature, the causes are not known.

2. Attention-seeking. Puppy eats poop, gets attention by scolding by the owner. The owner is busy working and when he goes home, the puppy has had eaten his poop. Or his overnight poop has been eaten. He still gets attention. Puppy eats poop when sick or bored, gets scolding. So he eats poop.

Don't scold the puppy. Just pick up the poop regularly after the puppy has eaten. Will this work? I don't know as I don't think owners will not scold the puppy for eating poop.

3. Puppy is sick. Examples of medical conditions include exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, pancreatitis, intestinal infections, malabsorptive syndromes and over-feeding (especially high fat content diets. Other medical signs will be present if the puppy is sick.

4. Faeces taste good. So eat more. Puppies in Singapore are fed twice a day. Majority of them thrive. But some puppies may want to eat more --- so eat their stools as 3rd time.


1. Meat tenderizer: Add the enzymes to tenderise the meat. Success not guaranteed.

2. A powder supplement added to a dog's food. Dog faeces passed out will taste bad. E.O.P (Eat Own Poop) powder is available at some Singapore pet shops. Success not guaranteed.

3. An anti-eating-poop pill is given to a dog with its food to make the feces distasteful. Not available at pet shops or vet clinics.

4. Bad taste on feces:
Yesterday evening, I attended the opening of the beautiful vet clinic at Vivo City. A cool evening with lion dances and time to catch up with old friends. I visited the beautiful pet shop looking at the crates at 9 p.m. A pet shop salesman came to see me.

He told me about how his groomer friend found the use of chilli padi sometimes successful. Wasabi, chilli sauce, tobasco sauce, pepper sprinkled on stools are also sometimes successful. So is eating the E.O.P powder.

"Will the puppy get diarrhoea if he eats chilli padi?" I asked him. Chilli powder is inserted in the centre of the stools and left for the puppy to eat.
"You need to take the risk," he said.

Is this method effective? I think most owners do NOT execute the procedure of adding something distasteful to the faeces every time. So, most owners find the method not effective.

5. Pick up the stools. This is the most effective method of control but not practical for time-pressed owners who work. Use the gastro-colic effect --- the puppy poops within 10 minutes of eating.

Now, not all puppies do that as many have had been distracted by the owner during feeding time to play. Some are given free feeding for the whole day.

6. Scolding/Punishment: Many owners think scolding or spanking will work. In some cases, it does but the puppy enjoy the attention, rather than no attention.

7. Ignoring the stool eating. No scolding. May work.

8. Positive reinforcement. Call the puppy to come for a food treat or play when he starts eating poop. Unfortunately, the owner may be too busy doing other housework. But this method may be better than scolding/punishment or ignoring the bad behaviour.

9. Pick up the stools during exercise or walks may be the solution to break the cycle rather than scolding/punishment.

10. A dog muzzle used whenever the owner is not free to pick up the stools. May be effective but the owner may feel that it is cruel to muzzle the puppy. If the puppy can take it, this may be the best method.

11. Chemicals: Pineapple is commonly recommended. Other chemicals. Success not guaranteed. Owners seldom persist in giving for over 2 weeks.

12. Puppy will stop eating poop when he is an adult. Not always true.ages.

13. Positive Reinforcement: This is the process of reinforcing another behavior making the puppy feel good instead of the coprophagia. Commands such as "Leave it", "come", "sit", can all be used. The puppy is distracted while the owner picks up the feces. A food treat is recommended.

14. Negative Reinforcement: Sudden noises when the puppy eats poop. A can with pebbles or coins suddenly thrown ont the floor or dropped from the top of the door. A water pistol to shoot at the puppy when he opens his mouth to eat the poop. These have been suggested at various dog magazine/book writers.

15. Combination of above treatments. Modify eating poop behaviour and other treatments may be needed.

Health Implications
1. Worms.
Puppy do have roundworms seen being passed out. Give the puppy deworming tablets every 2 weeks to get rid of worms, esp. for puppies eating poop. If the puppy eats cat poopy, you need to deworm too. During exercise, leash the puppy. Make sure he does not eat poop of other animals.

2. Viruses from stools of other dogs. Hepatitis and canine parvovirus are two important diseases. Vaccinated puppies for 3 vaccinations are usually protected. Singapore vets may advise no contact with other dogs till 2 weeks after the 3rd vaccination. The vet regulators permit sale of puppies by pet shops only 2 weeks after their 2nd vaccination. If not, a fine is imposed.

In my opinion, owners seldom have time to stop the owner eating poop for practical or lack of time reasons.

1. No time to give positive reinforcement training to stop poop eating.
2. Not leaving the puppy alone during feeding time and let him poop first before releasing him out to play.
3. Not giving faeces covered with chemicals like chilli sauce 100% of the time.
So, the success rate is said to be poor when the procedure is not properly executed.

On Jun 29, 2007, the lady owner of the 5-month-old female miniature schnauzer said that the puppy eats stools for the past 2 months and poops 5-6 times per day when released from the playpen to the living room. "Seasame seed like worms had been passed out after deworming." She works from home. How to solve her problem?

1. 9.30 am. Eat inside the playpen. At the lower right corner of the playpen there is a grate with pee pan.
2. 10 am. Puppy poops on the grate.
3. 10.30 am. Puppy taken out of the playpen and put in the living area.
4. Puppy goes to balcony to poop on the floor. Seldom goes back to the grate.
5. Puppy may poop 3 times in themorning. Afternoon, no poop. Sleeps.
6. 6 pm. Go out for walk.
7. 7 pm. Feed at garden. Usually poop during walk.
8. 9 pm. Back to playpen.

Poops from 3 - 5 X per day.

1. Now given a fish-based dry food at 30% to old puppy food. Diarrhoea. Saw vet today.

2. What to do with poop eating? E.O.P powder ( a pinch) given daily for the past 2 weeks. Supposed to make the puppy stop eating poop. But unsuccessful. However, the puppy does not poop as many times as before.

3. What are my advices?

1. Continue with E.O.P powder instead of other chemicals. Putting chilli padi powder definitely is not recommended for this puppy.
2. Back to old formula till puppy has no diarrhoea. Then add 10% of new feed to 90% of old feed for a week and increase gradually to new feed.
3. Do not scold the puppy for poop eating at the balcony.
4. When see poop eating, call the puppy "Come" and give food treat and praises. But the owner has to do this every time and be available. She has her work to do.
5. Squirt water at the puppy in the balcony before she eats poop? I had ever suggested such a method to a father with a 10-year-old boy. The boy was very interested but not the father!

Feedback from various owners will be useful.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

453. Time Out - Mouthing and nipping at ankles of female owners

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Recently, 3 owners complained in sequence --- corgi, silkie terrier and jack russell puppies persist in biting their ankles and fingers. Usually they are male puppies.

The puppy avoid the male (husband or father) who scolds or maybe spank its backside.

It is possible that the puppy is play biting to learn about its hiearchy in the pack. Its natureal instinct is to chase after running prey. In this case the ladies and girls run away and excite the puppies. The puppy is learning to hunt.

Growl back, hold its muzzle with a firm hand and say "no biting". But girls and mum seldom are firm with the naughty puppy. So, the painful bites go on.

I advise "time out" for the female owners. Whenever the puppy bites, put him back inside the playpen. Reward him if he does not bite.

Some tug of war rope toys also encourage aggressiveness in male puppies. Teething in puppies encourage chewing but not biting.

Encouraging mouthing may lead to real painful bites when the bigger breeds like German Shepherds grow up.

452. Peeing off target during paper training

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

A common complaint from the puppy owners during my survey of the past 3 years is that the puppy does not pee directly onto the newspapers laid on the floor.

Reasons may be:
1. Papers are soiled. Some "cleanliness freaks" as one lady owner told me about her Silkie don't want to dirty their paws. As the soiled papers are not changed immediately, the puppy pees outside the paper edges.

2. The puppy steps onto the papers with its front paws. Well, he is on the papers but his back legs are outside.

3. The puppy urine smell or spray should be at the further end of the paper. But some owners spray the smell in the centre of the paper. When the puppy's nose smell the paper, his back half of the body may be outside the paper. So he is peeing "off target."

Puppies are not marksmen I guess.

451. Crate with pee pan

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

A crate with a pee pan is a common recommendation by pet shop operators when Singaporeans buy a puppy. Just put the puppy inside the crate and newspapers onto the pee pan.

More active puppies step all over their stools and this makes the owner very unhappy. Clearing the stools immediately after eating, feeding for 5 minutes (not whole day), do not distract the puppy during eating time till he has pooped. Keep it confined for around 2 weeks. Take it out and watch for signs of elimination. Put it back inside the crate.

Some owners report success. Some puppies keep barking to get the stools cleared or banging at the cage to be let out to rush to the bathroom to pee and poop. Much depends on the puppy's cleanliness.

Many owners do not realise that the 2-4 a.m after midnight barking of puppies indicate that the puppy wants the stools removed or want to get out to pee and poop. Such puppies are ignored or get a scolding or spanking.

450. Going to the grate at all times for food treat

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

One owner told me that her poodle will just step on the grate to wait for her food treats.

"Most likely, you did not observe her peeing and just give her food treats for stepping onto the grate," I said. "So your puppy does it deliberately to get reward."

The career lady owner laughed: "I did that." Some puppies are real smart and highly motivated by food treats. As they grow older, they prefer other rewards like praises and chance to go out. Much depends on the personality.

449. Grate or grating is one way to toilet train.

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

Almost all pet shop owners and Singapore do not know what a grate is. Some called it a pee pan with top wire flooring.

It has been used successfully in toilet training big dogs like the Golden Retriever and the Sheltie that have had been reared on crates with wire flooring.

1. From reports by the owners, you will need to put the grate inside the playpen.
2. You need to clear the stools immediately or the dog will pee on the outside of the grate as it does not want to soil its paws.
3. Some puppies will bark to tell the owner to clear the stools. If ignored, the puppy just pee outside the grate. You need to clean up.
4. Urine will flow down onto the pee pan and this seems to be ok for the puppies.
5. Giving food treat and praises do help to train the puppy faster.
6. Spraying urine onto the pee tray or use a soiled newspapers may help.

The reason for success is that the puppy feels the wire flooring with its paws. It has been used to this flooring when reared in the breeder's farm and in the pet shop.

448. Clicker training for puppy toilet training

Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore

A clicker makes a clicking sound when you press it with your finger.
The use of a clicker to toilet train a puppy is seldom used in Singapore. One method is as follows:

A pee tray with or without newspapers on it.

1. Put the pee tray between you and the puppy.
2. Call the puppy to come to you. As the puppy's front feet step onto the tray, click immediately, give a food treat and praise saying "Good pup."
3. Repeat this whenever the puppy steps onto the tray.
4. The puppy associates the food treat with stepping on the tray. He will deliberately step onto the tray to get the food treat.
5. Now, call the puppy to come to you.
6. As the puppy's back legs are on the tray, click immediately,give food treat and praise saying "Good pup." His front paws can be outside the tray.
7. Repeat this procedure.
8. If the puppy pees inside the tray, wait till he finishes. Then click immediately, give food treat and praise saying "Pee here". Do not click while he is still peeing as this will stop him peeing.
9. Training lessons should not be more than 5 minutes or >10 times per day.
10. Confine the puppy in the playpen if there is no training. After waking up, after meals and when there are signs of elimination, put the puppy onto the pee tray.

Very seldom do owners have time to do clicker training. If you have full time training, the puppy may be paper-trained in 7 days.