447. Spare bedroom for the puppy
Toilet Training Your First Puppy in Singapore
The owner of the Corgi was kind enough to e-mail me a picture of the puppy's bedroom. There is a baby-gate.
"He does not pee on the newspapers," the owner said.
Most likely reasons are the newspapers are soiled and the puppy prefer not to dirty his own paws. Change newspapers frequently but this is not possible if the owner is working.
I suggested halving the room area, neutralise the urine smell with white vinegar and water.
A better idea will be to use the grating method as the puppy had been in the pet shop.
The owner of the Corgi was kind enough to e-mail me a picture of the puppy's bedroom. There is a baby-gate.
"He does not pee on the newspapers," the owner said.
Most likely reasons are the newspapers are soiled and the puppy prefer not to dirty his own paws. Change newspapers frequently but this is not possible if the owner is working.
I suggested halving the room area, neutralise the urine smell with white vinegar and water.
A better idea will be to use the grating method as the puppy had been in the pet shop.