322. 70% paper trained after 6 weeks - French Bulldog
3 inquisitive boys and a male French bulldog 5 months old can be more than a handful for the young mother.
The puppy was in for the 3rd vaccination. The boys (6-year-old and two boys 4 years old) were exploring the waiting room and the consultation room. Touching the knobs of the consultation table. I got 3 chairs for them to sit while I examined the puppy. But in less than 5 seconds, they got up and went out to the waiting room.
"Is the puppy toilet trained?" I asked.
"70% of the time, he would eliminate on the papers, under supervision," the mother said. "Other times he just had accidents inside the house or or the porch."
"What you use for disinfection of the floor?"
"A product called Pine," the mother said.
"Does it smell like vinegar?"
The mother did not think it was. More like Dettol.
"Most likely it had not neutralised the strong ammonia smell of urine. So, the puppy gets attracted to those areas to pee and poop."
"You think white vinegar work?" she asked.
"Yes," I said as one of the smaller boys cried after falling down from the chair. The mother was looking out for them in case they misbehaved.
It could not be a quick 3rd vaccination and go because the puppy had some skin problems. Loss of hair on left forehead exposing white patches. Some hair loss of the left flank. Excessive wax and pain in the ear canals. Brownish skin on the hind legs and the belly. Coffee-brown oil from the anal glands. A coat with some oily smell.
"How often you bathe the puppy?" I asked.
"Once in 2 weeks," the mother said.
"In Singapore, puppies should be bathed once a week as the high humidity and heat and the outdoor play make the puppy smelly. In cooler countries, bathing once in 2 - 4 weeks have been recommended."
The puppy's ears were irrigated. As fast as I could. The older boy and one brother had run out of the surgery. There would be cars outside although the car park was not a busy one.
This was the first time the mother had experience with a small breed in a foreign country . Now that the mum knew what to do, the puppy should stop scratching and licking when I see him in 3 weeks time.