toilet training, house training puppies

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

457. Puppy cries for clean newspaper after midnight

From: Subject: paper training
Date: Sunday, April 12, 2009, 5:07 PM

Hi Judy,

I am currently using your method to paper train my puppy. However, the puppy will make lots of noise in the middle of the night for us to clear the soiled papers. However, as we are holding day jobs, can we only clean the soiled papers in the morning? As the puppy tend to whine a few times in the night.

Name of Owner

From: David Sing
Sent: Monday, 13 April 2009 7:20:25
Subject: Re: paper training

Thank you for email.
1. Which method of paper training are you using. Pl describe.
2. What is your routine time for feeding and drinking?
3. How old is the puppy?

--- On Mon, 4/13/09, Darren Lee wrote:

From: Dog Owner
Subject: Re: paper training
To: "David Sing"
Date: Monday, April 13, 2009, 2:08 AM

Hi David,

I am following the advice from the website.

1) Setting up a playpen with newspapers all over it. Trying to keep her there for 2 weeks to paper train her. But we let her out to play when we can monitor all her movements. She will always attempt to pee and poo outside the playpen.
2) The puppy is with us for 2 nights only at the moment. We are trying to feed her three times a day but timing is not fixed yet.
3) Supposed to be 6 weeks old but based on description from book, it should be only 5 weeks old.

Name of Owner

4/15/2009 reply

Your puppy makes a lot of noises after midnight to tell you to change soiled newspapers as he has a very clean personality. You are correct in understanding what he wants. This is quite a common situation encountered by other puppy owners.

Here are some suggestions:

1. Get up and change the papers for the next few nights and thereby paper-training the puppy faster.

2. Don't get up. The puppy will stop after some nights. But you may see the puppy's foot with stools and urine

3. My advices which may of use to you and which may not, depending on the puppy's personality:

Give the puppy a bigger space (not being confined in the playpen) past midnight. For example, a bathroom with newspapers all over the floor for the first 7-14 days and a baby gate.

The playpen with newspapers (and puppy urine smell, place 2nd piece of soiled newspaper) is left open (3 sides standing, one panel taken off). Some puppies are smart enough to go inside the playpen to pee and poop and sleep outside (esp. if there is a towel or bed and if they don't chew them).

3.1 No water after 8 p.m. Get the puppy to pee by command before your bedtime (I presume it will be 11 pm). Say "Pee here". If successful, give praise and food treat. Clear up the soiled papers.

Let me know if this method works. Persevere. Don't expect instant results.

456. Paper-training inside toilet for 2-year-old Maltese

On 4/13/09, e-mail from dog owner:

Dear Dr. Kong Sing,

I came across your blog through google & was wondering whether I can e-mail you for some advice.

I've just adopted a 2-year old Maltese on Saturday afternoon & he's been with me for 2 nights.
Previous owner caged him up for almost a year with hardly any run-around play time because of certain circumstances. He's kinda paper-trained. But what I would like to do is to get him used to his new environment whereby he does it in the toilet instead, but still on paper.

Is it the right way to train him if I were to confine him in just the toilet area with the paper within? Food & water to place on another side.

Warm Regards,
Name of Owner

E-mail reply

Newly Adopted 2- year old Maltese
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 11:23 AM

Thank you for your email.

As each dog behaves differently, I can only propose the following which may be suitable as your dog is mature and almost paper-trained:

1. Keep dog in toilet for 2-4 weeks but with a baby gate so that he can see you.
2. Place newspapers 100% on floor.
3. Place dog's urine smell on newspapers (use 2nd piece of newspaper with urine).
4. Observe the location where the dog pees and poops (usually away from sleeping area).
5. Reduce the papered area by 50% gradually over 1-2 weeks such that his toilet location is the newspaper.
6. Say "pee here" (on newspapers) and give food treats on success (if you are around). Persevere.
7. Change soiled papers promptly.
8. Open the baby gate but not to give the dog excessive area. Increase the area of freedom by a room and monitor. If dog goes to paper by himself, you give praise and food treats. Persevere.
9. Neutralise "accident" areas of peeing with white vinegar:water 1:3
8. Let me know how long you will take to succeed.